Unit 1
Grammar (block I): Participles I, II vs. Gerund
Exercise 1G. Form the Participle I
(Indefinite Active) from the following words: to operate, to base, to
provide, to design, to make, to refer, to translate, to execute, to include,
to store, to load, to control. Exercise 2G. Form the Participle II from
the following words: to find, to send, to add, to
change, to take, to provide, to call, to know, to offer, to support, to
modify, to do. Translation
of Participle I, II
Exercise 3G. Read and translate into
Ukrainian the following expressions, paying attention to the Participles:
Exercise 4G. Translate the sentences into
Ukrainian paying attention to the Participle: 1. He heard the
voices coming through the open window. 2. The input unit
consists of some devices using different means. 3. The explanation
given was not complete. 4. Performing
addition the computer must have two numbers to be added. 5. Discussing the
advantages of the new memory units the professor gave all necessary examples. 6. Having passed all
the exams he left for Kyiv. 7. The results
obtained are of great importance for his team. 8. Having had dinner
they went for a walk. 9. Being built in a
new way modern laboratories have better facilities. 10.
Being well prepared for the exams the students could
answer all the questions asked by the teacher examining them. 11.
Having translated the article from the magazine he
showed it to the teacher. 12.
Translating an English article into Ukrainian
consult the dictionary. 13.
They were asked various questions formulated by
sociologists. 14.
The congress attended by many scientists attracted
much attention. Exercise 5G. Translate the following
sentences paying attention to the –ing forms, state their function: 1. I have just
translated a very interesting message. 2. In what capacity
will you work after graduating from the University? 3. The specific
meaning of any setting is significant only to the operation setting in the
condition code. 4. When applying
mathematical methods to the solving of technical problems engineers are most
often interested in obtaining a finite numerical result. 5. Mathematical
tables are necessary aids for performing computational work. 6. When writing a
telegram you must use as few words as possible. 7. She doesn’t like
being asked so many questions about her job. 8. We are having bad
weather now. 9. Compiling a
program requires great attention of a programmer. 10.
Having visited our capital he shared his impressions
of the city. 11.
Where had you been working before you started
working in our office? 12.
Arranging my books on the shelf I discovered an old
book. 13.
He left the room saying that he was in a hurry. 14.
I hope you will write soon explaining your being
late. 15.
Arriving early he found no one there. 16.
The teacher explaining the rule was standing by the
blackboard. 17.
The reading-hall was full of students reading for
their exams. 18.
When he entered the room he heard the telephone
ringing without pauses. 19.
We noticed a singing bird in the tree. 20.
A new currency, the hryvnia, was successfully
introduced in 1996. 21.
Public transportation in 22.
Entrance to the Metro system is through turnstiles
operated by blue plastic tokens, purchased in the station, or by monthly
passes shown to the Metro attendant before entering the subway. Functions of the –ing Forms
6G. 1.
студенти, які
вивчають англійську мову; 2.
професор, який
читає лекцію; 3.
народ, який
будує нове життя; 4.
студент, який
складає іспит; 5.
методи, які
поліпшують науково-дослідну роботу; 6.
людина, яка
пропонує свою допомогу; 7.
іноземну мову; 8.
цікаві місця; 9.
цікаву книгу; 10.
важливу проблему; 11.
обговорюючи це
питання; 12.
лист, знайдений
на столі; 13.
прилад, сконструйований
молодим інженером; 14.
книга, залишена
вдома; Exercise
7G. 1.
Назвіть моря,
які омивають територію нашої країни. 2.
Будучи дуже
зайнятим, він відклав своє відрядження. 3.
Почувши кроки,
він підняв голову. 4.
кілька міст нашої країни, вони повернулися в столицю. 5.
Це інженер,
який застостовує найновіші досягнення у своєму проекті. 6.
вивчають методи, які поліпшують науково-дослідну роботу. 7.
Читаючи статтю,
він робив нотатки. 8.
Отримавши нову
інформацію, ми змогли продовжити нашу роботу. 9.
клавіші, оператор змушує машину працювати. 10.
Він пішов,
відмовившись допомогти. 11.
Туристи часто
відвідують церкву, побудовану ще в XV столітті. 12.
Книги, написані
Агатою Крісті, читають в усьому світі. Absolute Participial Construction
8G. 1. It being late, we
went upstairs. 2. This done and the
program having been debugged, we went home. 3. The visit over,
they set forth home. 4. I sat at my desk,
pen in hand. 5. There being
little time left, we had to hurry. 6. In the evening he
read aloud, his small son sitting by his side. 7. The new computers
were delivered, all of them being in good order. Our
efforts to repair the printer having failed, we spent a night in the
laboratory. Absolute Nominative Complex
Exercise 9G. 1. The working day
being over, the public transport was overcrowded. 2. The first
automatic computers not being very reliable, scientists went on improving
them. 3. All the problems
having been solved, they stopped discussion. 4. Nobody being on
the road, he could drive faster. 5. The experiments
having been made, everyone is interested in the results. 6. People use
computers widely, the latter helping in performing calculations at very high
speed. 7. They all went
home, he remaining at the lab. 8. Our lab being
equipped with different new instruments, the students can do their practical
work there. 9. The treaty having
been signed, trade was at once resumed. 10.
The cathode heated, the electrons leave the surface
and move to the anode. 11.
With the current on, the computer automatically
begins operating. 12.
Conference being over, we assembled in the hall. Variants of
Substituting Participial Constructions
Exercise 10G. 1.
Оскільки було
дуже пізно, збори було закрито. 2.
використовують скрізь і його головна функція вирішувати складні проблеми за
декілька секунд. 3.
Оскільки нікого
не було вдома, я вирішив попрацювати. 4.
Оскільки мій
принтер вийшов з ладу, ми не змогли надрукувати свою доповідь. 5.
Якщо регістр
зберігає код для числа 2, комп’ютер виконає операцію 2 рази. 6.
Не зважаючи на
те, що ми відвідали Київ вперше, ми змогли оглянути багато визначних місць
міста. (R)
Storage units (SR) Supplementary reading Exercise 1SR. Read the text and find: 1) the text-based operating
system used in older PCs 2) the most secure
and reliable version of the Windows family 3) the OS designed
for handheld computers 4) the function of
the Finder in Macintosh computers 5)
the meaning of
'multi-tasking' 6) the OS written in
C language and used on minicomputers and workstations 7) the OS that is
freely redistributable under the GNU general public licence 8) the OS originally
developed to run on SPARC workstations. Operating systems This operating system was developed
by Microsoft in 1981 for all IBM PC compatibles. Today it's only used in old
PCs. In this text-based OS, you communicate with the computer by typing
commands that exist within its library. For example, some basic DOS commands
include: DIR (shows a list of all the files in a directory), COPY (makes a
duplicate of a file), Most home PCs use
Windows. Here are the most recent versions: •
With Windows 98, Internet access becomes part
of the user interface. Its active desktop lets you find information easily
with the same view of content on your PC, network or the Web. The system
includes Outlook Express for e-mail, NetMeeting conferencing software, a chat
program and a Web-page editor. It offers advancements such as USB and
multimedia extensions. •
Windows 2000 is built upon the Windows NT
architecture and designed for business uses. •
Windows XP is an update to all
Windows versions, with a new visual design. It's more secure and reliable. It
offers support for the latest technologies.
This is the PC
world's most technically sophisticated operating system. It provides true
multi-tasking, allowing a program to be divided into 'threads', many of which
can run at the same time. Thus, not only can numerous programs run
simultaneously, but one program can perform numerous tasks at the same time. The IBM OS/2 Warp includes
easy access to networks via modem, support for Java applications, and voice
recognition technology.
It has become an operating
environment for software development, available for any type of machine, from
IBM PCs to Macs to Cray supercomputers. Unix is the most commonly used system
for advanced CAD programs.
Exercise 2SR. Read
the text below and complete it with the phrases in the box:
provided by programs and data is known as (1) ___________. Programs are sets
of instructions that make the computer execute operations and tasks. There
are two main types of software: The (2)
___________ refers to all the programs which control the basic functions of a
computer. They include operating systems, system utilities (e.g. an anti-virus
program, a back-up utility) and language translators (e.g. a compiler - the
software that translates instructions into machine code"). The (3)
___________ refers to all those applications - such as word processors and
spreadsheets - which are used for specific purposes. Applications are usually
stored on disks loaded into the RAM memory when activated by the user. The (4)
___________ is the most important type of system software. It is usually
supplied by the manufacturers and comprises a set of programs and files that
control the hardware and software resources of a computer system. It controls
all the elements that the user sees, and it communicates directly with the
computer. In most configurations, the OS is automatically loaded into the RAM
section when the computer is started up. Exercise 3SR. Do you know… Types of software What is an
Operating System? - The operating
system is a special type of program that loads automatically when you start
your computer. The operating system allows you to use the advanced features
of a modern computer without having to learn all the details of how the
hardware works. There are a number of different types of operating system in
common use. The IBM PC (Personal Computer) was introduced way back in 1981
and was originally supplied with an operating system called DOS (Disk
Operating System). This operating system was very basic, and you had to be a
bit of a computer expert just to understand how to use it. It was NOT
user-friendly! Later on, Microsoft introduced Windows and this is the operating
system that is most widely used on PCs today. To complicate matters further, there are a number of different types
of Windows. The first widely used version of Windows was called Windows 3.1.
This was more powerful than DOS and far easier to use. It had a Graphical
User Interface (GUI), i.e. you could 'drive' it using a mouse and drop down
menus. Later Windows 95/NT/98/2000 were introduced. The good news is that
later versions of Microsoft Windows look almost identical to each other and
are all much easier to use than Windows 3.1. More Information: Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com IBM: http://www-4.ibm.com/software/os/warp/
What is a
Graphical User Interface? - A Graphical User
Interface (GUI) is simply an additional part of the operating system that
displays windows and drop down menus, and also enables you to drive your
computer using a mouse. Examples of operating system that use a GUI include
Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98/2000, Windows NT and IBM's OS/2. The advantages of
using a GUI: ·
All programs
look similar. ·
When you switch from a program supplied by one
manufacturer to one from a different manufacturer, you will find the
transition very easy. ·
Application programs work in the same way as the
underlying operating system. The GUI also
allows programmers to easily write consistent looking programs. L)
Listening Task
(Recording 1) a)
Read the information below
and then listen to four advertisements from a radio program about computers:
Number these system
utilities in the order in which you hear them
Listen again. Which
utility would you use for each of these requirements?
Speaking (block I): Exercise
1S. (G)
Grammar (block II): Exercise
& Uncountable Nouns Their Identifiers
Exercise 13G. Complete this text with a, an,
the (or nothing at all) as
necessary: At school we have (1)_______ computer in every classroom. We use (2)
_______ computer to do (3) _______ projects and to study (4) _______ music
and languages. The teachers use
PCs to print articles, songs, or activities for use in class. This year, they
are preparing (5) _______ exchange with a college in At home I use my
computer to send and receive (8) _______ e-mail and to play (9) _______
computer games. I have (10) _______ ink-jet printer. Exercise 14G. Fill in the blanks with the
appropriate article if one is needed: The computer jungle Though
you can make ____ decision on purely economic grounds, buying ____ computer
is often more like joining ____ religious cult. Buy ____ Apple, for example,
and almost by default you join Apple chairman Steve Jobs in his crusade
against IBM. Every machine has its "users' groups" and ____ band of
loyal enthusiasts who tout its merits. That makes it all ____ more difficult
for ____ uninitiated to decide what machine to buy. Students have ____ huge
advantage, however. The computer companies are so eager for students'
business (it builds "brand loyalty") that many offer huge
discounts. In the past six months, IBM, Apple, and others have brought out new
computers, and ____ fierce competition has forced prices down. Also, time is
on your side: next year at ____ time you'll have even more choice and more
computing power and features for ____ same price. On ____ other hand, this
will probably be true for many years. So for those who need or want ____
computer now, it's a great time to buy one. Exercise 15G. a)
Complete this extract from a wiki entry about
Windows Vista by choosing the correct article (the/a/an/-): Windows Vista
is ____ operating system developed by Microsoft for use on ____ personal
computers. Development was completed on November 8, 2006;
over ____ next three months it was released in stages to ____ computer
manufacturers, ____ business customers, and ____ shops. On January 30, 2007,
it was released worldwide to the general public, and was
made available for purchase and download direct from Microsoft. ____ release
of Windows Vista comes more than five years after ____ introduction of
Windows XP. b)
Decide if these words (which appear in bold) are countable or
uncountable, depending on how they are used in this context. Usage of some,
any, no
16G. a)
1. Somebody has taken my pen. 2. I saw something dark in the garden. 3. Someone must go with him. 4. He lives somewhere near our house. b)
1. Do you know anybody
(anyone) here? 2. There is not anybody (anyone) in the office. 3. Do you want anything else? 4. I can’t see anything.
5. You can do anything you like. 6.
Did you go anywhere yesterday? 8.
You can buy the book anywhere. c)
1. Nobody
will believe you. 2. I saw none of
my friends. 3. It means nothing to
him. 4. I have nowhere to go. Exercise
17G. 1. We have some
friends living there. 2. There is no
milk left. 3. We found some
new words in the text. 4. We have heard some
news that might interest you. 5. Have you any
books published on the subject? 6. Have you noticed any
changes? 7. Have you got any
money on you? 8. Is there any
letter for me? 9. There is not any
butter left. 10.
We don’t use any new technologies while
programming. (S)
Speaking (block II): Exercise
2S. The official name of our
country is It stretches for Its land borders stretch for
The population of The largest part of The only mountains are the
Ukrainian Carpathians in the west and the Crimean mountains in the extreme
south. The southern part of The animal and the vegetable
world of In 1991 President is the head of the
state. A president is elected by the people of the country at a general
elections for a period of five years. A president cannot be younger than 35
years of age, must be a citizen of The highest body of state
power is Parliament. Ukrainian Parliament is called the Supreme (Verkhovna)
Rada. It consists of one chamber only and includes 450 people's deputies. The
laws of the country are made by them. The chairman of the Supreme Rada is
elected by its members. The Cabinet of Ministers is
responsible for the realization of laws adopted by the Supreme Rada. It is
headed by the Prime-Minister. He is elected for a period of 4 years and he
forms his cabinet to his liking. On the 28th of June, 1996 at its fifth
session the Supreme Rada adopted the Constitution of Independent Ukraine -
the main law of our country. The state flag of Like any other country, It is the scientific and
cultural centre of Kyiv is also famous for its
beauty, for its wonderful streets, lots of chestnut trees and flowers all
over the city. It is situated on the Kharkiv is the former
capital of Odesa is a big seaport and a
resort place, a centre of machine-building and food industries. Lviv is a
large cultural, scientific and industrial centre. Zaporizhzhya is a
metallurgical, automobile, agricultural machine-building centre. As Winter is rather mild with
no severe frosts but with snow falls everywhere. The rivers and the lakes
freeze. Winter sets in December. The coldest month is January. The
temperature is about 15-20 degrees below zero. The coldest region is that in
the north and in the north-east. Bun it often happens that winters are rainy
and mild. Exercise
3S. 1.
Which region do you live in? What regions surround it? 2. Which countries
border 3. Look at the
Ukrainian banknotes. Which regions and landmarks are shown on them? 4. What is the
status of 5. Where is 6. What is the
population of 7. What is the 8. Where are the
mountains located? 9. What are the
major Ukrainian rivers? 10.
What natural resources is 11.
When was Ukraine proclaimed an independent state? 12.
What kind of republic is it? 13.
Who can be elected a president? 14.
Who makes the laws of our country? 15.
What is the Cabinet of Ministers responsible for? 16.
Who heads the
Cabinet? 17.
When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted? 18.
What is the state flag of 19.
What is the national emblem of our country? 20.
How many regions are there in 21.
What are the local bodies of state power called? 22.
When was Kyiv
founded? 23.
Why is the climate different in various parts of 24.
What is the hottest (the coldest) region? 25.
What is the climate of the Crimea (the rest of 26.
What is winter (spring, summer, autumn) like? Exercise
4S. Exercise
6S. 1. Independent and
having the power to make decisions 2. Those data show
their choice or opinion in an election 3. Joining the parts
of a divided group, party or country together again 4. People who have a
legal right to live in a particular country 5.
something officially or publicly 6.
Members of the
Ukrainian Parliament Important Information and Statistics On 24th August, 1) ____, Since the collapse of Kyivan Rus’, present day The According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the territorial structure of
the country is composed of 5) ____ oblasts
(regions) and the The Structure of the National Government Under the Constitution, the powers of the government are divided into
three branches - the legislative (1), which consists of the Verkhovna Rada
(the Ukrainian Parliament), the executive (2), headed by the President with
the Cabinet of Ministers as
the highest body and the judicial (3), which is led by the Supreme Court. The parliament has one house that is represented by 6) ____ people's deputies
elected for four year terms by the citizens of The President is elected directly by the voters for a term of five
years with no more than two full terms. The President of Ukraine secures
state independence, human rights and freedoms. The executive power in oblasts and rayons is exercised by local state
administrations. Their heads are appointed by the President and are
responsible to him. Justice in Exercise
7S. 1. The executive
power is headed by the Supreme Court. 2. The Verkhovna
Rada's main function is making laws. 3. Tne
Prime-Minister secures state independence, human rights and freedoms. 4. The heads of the
local state administrations are elected by the people. Exercise
8S. Kyiv — the capital of Ukraine Kyiv, the capital of There are many
places of historic interest in it. Among them there are the Kyivo-Pechersk
Monastery (arose in the 11th century), St. Sophia’s Cathedral
(1037), the Golden Gates (the remains of only one of them has come down to
us). The tsar’s palace and St. Andrew’s Church were built after the design of
V. Rastrelli in 17-18 centuries. Kyiv is situated
on the hilly right bank and low left bank of the It is one of the
most beautiful cities of A large part of Kyiv is a
cultural and academic centre of There is a great
number of secondary schools, universities, institutes, and colleges as well
as the National Academy of Sciences there. Kyiv’s cultural
life is rich and varied. There are many theatres, museums, and exhibitions in
it. There are government-funded museums in Kyiv: the There are also
museums organised and run by private individuals. The main professional
theatres in Kyiv are: the National Opera, the Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the
Operetta Theatre, the Puppet Theatre and many others. They are greatly
appreciated by the citizens of Kyiv and the guests of the city. Kyiv is famous
for its monuments. The monument to Prince Volodymyr in the picturesque park
on the Dnipro hills has become a symbol of the ancient city. Many monuments
have been erected in Kyiv’s squares, parks and other public places. Kyiv is
the Hero-City. In the The main street
in Kyiv is During the Great
Patriotic War this street was almost completely destroyed and it was rebuilt
in the post-war years. There are many fine buildings in Khreshchatyk, which
form the unique architectural ensemble. Kyiv, the old and ever young city, is the pride and glory of the
Ukrainian people. |