Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3


Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Словник комп'ютерних термінів

Граматичні таблиці

Список літератури



Unit 4


(G) Grammar:                                 Gerunds, Infinitives, Participles

Past Activities


(R) Reading:                                    The fastest growing occupation in the nearest future

(SR) Supplementary reading:          Jobs in computing

                                                         Computers in daily life

How to write an effective CV

(L) Listening                                    A job interview

(S) Speaking:                                   My future profession.


(G) Grammar (block I):


Types of Gerunds



Gerund (Ving)





being used



having used


having been used


Functions of Gerunds




Seeing |and| doing | are two different things — Бачити і робити — різні речі


He likes |driving| a car — Він любить водити машину


There are many ways |of doing| it — Існує багато способів здійснити це

Adverbial Modifier

He stood | without noticing | anyone —Він стояв, не помічаючи нікого

It’s no good to swim |after eating| — Погано плавати після їжі

Part of the Predicate

My greatest pleasure remains travelling — Моїм найбільшим задоволенням залишається подорожування

He went on reading — Він продовжував читати


Exercise 1G.

Choose the correct variant. Keep in mind that need, require, want and be worth are combined with Gerund in Active to express the passive meaning!

Example:             The shoes need/want/require repairing.

Взуття потрібно відремонтувати.

The play is worth seeing.

П’єсу варто подивитися.

1.       The clothes require (mending/ being mended).

2.       The room needs (being painted/painting).

3.       The batteries in the radio need (being changed/changing).

4.       It is a difficult problem. It needs (thinking/being thought) about very carefully.

5.       His name is not worth (mentioning/being mentioned).

6.       The magazine is worth (being subscribed/subscribing to).

7.       The event is worth (being commented/commenting on).

8.       Mr. Brook’s theories are worth (listening to/being listened to).

9.       I don’t think this newspaper is worth (reading/having been read).

10.  Olga got used to (driving/being driven) a car in London.

11.  James objected to Alice’s (being stayed/staying) at the Astor Hotel.

12.  The manager approved of the problem (being discussed/discussing) in detail.

13.  He denies (seeing/having seen) the document before.

14.  Jean often mentions (being known/knowing) Mr. Anderson.

15.  Mrs. Blank apologized for (being caused/having caused) so much trouble.

16.  Everybody congratulated Prof. Anderson on (having carried out/having been carried out) the experiment successfully.


Exercise 2G.

Read the passage below, then look at the table above. Find the gerunds and decide whether they function as the subject, the subject complement, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition:


You cannot create a picture simply by specifying primitives. Instead, you must specify the primitives and their attributes, then transform them by specifying where and how you want them placed on the screen so they create your picture. Transformation means moving or otherwise manipulating the object by translating, rotating and scaling the object. Translation is moving an object along an axis to somewhere else in the viewing area. Rotation is turning the object around an axis. Scaling is making the object larger or smaller in any of the horizontal, vertical or depth directions (corresponding to the x, y and z axes). The term rendering describes the techniques used to make your object look real. Rendering includes hidden surface removal, shading, light sources and reflections.


Exercise 3G.

Complete the sentences by using an appropriate gerund from those in the box:


creating       adding       clicking         processing       printing       rendering


1.       Graphic artists like _____ colour and depth to their drawings and designs.

2.       A 32-bit painting program has a complete palette of tools for _____ images from scratch.

3.       The speed of a microprocessor is important in _____ information.

4.       Before _____ a document, the user should decide on the layout.

5.       You can open the colour palette by _____ on the corresponding pop-up icon.

6.       _____ refers to the techniques used to make realistic images.


Exercise 4G.

Translate the following sentences paying attention to Gerund:

1.            Reading technical literature in English is very important for an engineer.

2.            Printing is the final stage in creating a document.

3.            Ink-jet printers operate by projecting small ink droplets onto paper to produce images.

4.            It is not worth buying this monitor.

5.            I remember attending his lectures on programming.

6.            After graduating from the University he will be a system engineer.

7.            He began testing the program immediately.

8.            The organizers of the conference were informed of his having refused to take part in it.

9.            I remember his having been interested in computers in his childhood.

10.       It goes without saying that they are still expensive for students.

11.       Mechanical engineers use sophisticated programs for applications in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing.

12.      Basically, computer graphics help users to understand complex information quickly by presenting it in a clear visual form.

13.      Debugging а program is а hard job.

14.      Оnе of the benefits of buying а system is that it has detailed documentation with it.

15.      Ву performing different kinds of operations on а computer, people solve а lot of different problems.

16.      Programming is the process of preparing, testing, correcting instructions for а computer.

17.      Logical operations consist in comparing, selecting, sorting, matching & determining.

18.      After performing calculations а computer displays some result.

19.      (His) Ivan's being а brilliant programmer is а well known fact.

20.      We saw the operator having made the machine operate.


Combinations with Gerunds

admit — визнавати

allow  — дозволяти

appreciate — цінувати

avoid — уникати

cant help — не стриматися, щоб не…

consider — вважати

delay — зволікати

deny — заперечувати

dislike — не любити

enjoy — одержувати задоволення

feel like — бути схильним до…

finish — закінчувати

forgive — прощати

give up — відмовлятися

go on — тривати, продовжувати

hate — ненавидіти

insist on — наполягати на

involve — залучати

keep — продовжувати

look forward to — чекати з нетерпінням

mind — заперечувати

miss — скучати, відчувати відсутність

object to — заперечувати проти

postpone — відкладати

practice — практикувати

recommend — радити

regret — жалкувати

remember — пам’ятати

report — повідомляти

risk — ризикувати

suggest — пропонувати

worry about — турбуватися про…

They objected to applying this method — Вони заперечували проти застосування цього методу.

What is worth doing is worth doing well — Те, що варто робити — варто робити добре.

be accustomed to — бути звичним до…

be afraid of — боятися

be against — бути проти

be good at — розбиратися в …

be used to — бути звичним до…

be difficult in — складний(а) в ….

be fond of — захоплюватися

in addition to — крім того,

be intrested in — зацікавлений (а) в…

be sorry for — шкодувати з приводу…

be tired of — втомлений (а) від…

be worth — бути вартим

it goes without saying — зрозуміло


Variants of Translation Gerund into Ukrainian




Gerund construction

Jane’s coming surprised me.

That Jane was coming surprised me.

Те, що Джейн приїде, здивувало мене.

Parallel sentence


Gerund construction

They objected to his applying this method to practice.

They objected that he should apply this method to practice

Вони заперечували проти того, щоб він застосовував цей метод на практиці.

Parallel sentence


Gerund construction

Her hands showed no signs of their being used for hard work.

Her hands showed no signs that they were used for hard work.

Її руки не мали слідів важкої праці.

Parallel sentence

Adverbial Modifier

Gerund construction

Despite it being cold they would not stop their observations.

Despite (the fact that) it was cold they would not stop their observation.s

Незважаючи на те, що було холодно вони не бажали припиняти свої спостереження.

Parallel sentence


Go + Gerund

go biking

go boating

go canoeing

go climbing

go diving

go picnicking

go riding

go running

go sailing

go drinking

go hiking

go jogging

go swimming

go visiting

go walking

go dancing

go partying

go birdwatching

go bowling

go camping

go cycling

go fishing

go necking

go shopping

go singing

go skating

go skateboarding

go skiing

go surfing

go windsurfing


Exercise 5G.

Choose the correct variant, translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1.       Richard is expecting (us/our) to go to class tomorrow.

2.       You shouldn’t rely on (him/his) calling you in the morning.

3.       They don’t approve of (us/our) leaving early.

4.       George asked (me/my) to call him last night.

5.       We understand (him/his) having to leave early.

6.       We are expecting (Henry/Henry’s) to call us.

7.       They are looking forward to (us/our) visiting them.

8.       Susan regrets (John/John’s) being in trouble.

9.       We understand (you/your) not being able to stay longer.

10.  We object to (their/them) signing the contract now.


Translation of Gerunds / Participles / Infinitives





to V0

–ть, –ти (інфінітив)





–ть, –ти (інфінітив)

They began reading

I enjoy reading

She left without saying a word — Вона пішла, не сказавши ні слова



– вши (дієприслівник)

Participle I


– учи

– ючи

– ачи

– ячи


Walking along the street I met him — Йдучи по вулиці, я зустрів його

We saw a trembling dog — Ми побачили тремтячу собаку

– учий, – ючий (дієприкметник)

ачий, – ячий

Participle II


– ний

– мий

– тий


The corrected text is on the table — Виправлений текст лежить на столі


Exercise 6G.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the Infinitive Constructions:

1.            Guessing a password or cracking the program that controls the access to the system is considered to be breaking through a security measure and entering a computer system.

2.            Computer software engineers are projected to be one of the fastest growing occupations over 2004-2014 period.

3.            Prices for good CRT monitor are said to have dropped considerably by the end of the month.

4.            We know the optical mouse to be a far cry from the conventional ball-roller assembly of the first mechanical mice.

5.            I saw him using this device in the lab.

6.            We assume notebook sales to be starting to catch up with those of desktop computers.

7.            I thought him to be good at writing programs.

8.            Our engineers want the computer problems to be solved by computers.

9.            We asked the shop-assistant to show us the computer operate.

10.       We know Pascal to be the first inventor of the mechanical computer.


Exercise 7G.

Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to ing- forms and state their functions:

1.                 Science requires experimenting.

2.                 These methods were tried without obtaining the necessary results.

3.                 The positive results were being obtained last year.

4.                 The monument of what century are they restoring?

5.                 This monument needs restoring.

6.                 Think before saying!

7.                 I don’t understand what he is talking about.

8.            Speaking foreign languages is very important for every educated person nowadays.

9.                 The idea of creating this lab belongs to our chief.

10.            How long has he been working on his report?

11.            When choosing a printer take into considerations all the specifications.

12.       I noticed a very nice monitor standing far from the one we were recommended.

13.       Measuring resistance is necessary in many experiments.

14.       Go on demonstrating your slides.

15.       In solving problems it is necessary to distinguish between fact and hypothesis.

16.       Avoid mixing these two substances.

17.       Heating copper wire from 0 to 100° increases its resistance about 40 %.

18.       It’s no use searching for another approach.

19.       Calcium and sodium are alike in being very soft.

20.       Upon being heated to a high temperature many metallic compounds are decomposed.

21.       Sulphur is hardened by being mixed with copper.

22.       His having given up the job disappointed us.

23.       The president’s refusing to take steps aroused everybody’s indignation.

24.       Your threatening them made us angry.

25.       The papers not commenting on the event was most surprising.

26.       The two countries exchanging delegations is most important for establishing friendly relations between them.

27.       His knowing English will help him in his work.

28.       Howard was surprised at his chief not having asked him anything.

29.       Helen was disappointed at Peter not having been invited.

30.       They insisted on our flying to Liverpool.

31.       There is no possibility of our seeing him this week.


Exercise 8G.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to ing-forms:

1.     He kept moving his start bar around the sides of the screen, shifting the windows and the icons around.

2.     There are two features for printing.

3.     I had a hard time reading this letter.

4.     The police are catching more and more crimes with every coming year.

5.     Before buying a game, you must consider “system requirements”.

6.     The police informed that a man had been found dead after playing computer games for 86 hours non-stop.

7.     The world of gaming on-line is ever changing.

8.     If you are going to take gaming seriously, you have to spend time doing it.

9.     Children begin using computers regularly for education and entertainment purposes by the time they are ten.

10.  Computers were once viewed as isolating people from people.

11.  Software engineers must possess strong programming skills, but are more concerned with developing algorithms and analyzing and solving programming problems than with actually writing code.

12.  The workers use different programming languages, depending on the purpose of the program.

13.  Hard disk space at this point, probably isn’t worth caring too much about.

14.  Laptops usually share memory between CPU and GPU, saving a lot of space and helping to reduce power consumption.


Usage of Verbals

Verbs + Gerunds

Verbs + Infinitives

Verbs + Nouns + Infinitives

Adjective + Preposition Combinations + Gerunds

Noun + Preposition Combinations + Gerunds

Be + Adjective Combinations + Infinitives

Nouns + Infinitives


accuse of

advise [1]

allow [1]


apologise (to sb/) for


approve of


begin [4]

believe in

blame (sb.) for

can't bear [4]

can't help

can't see

can't stand [4]

cease [4]


concentrate on

congratulate on


continue [4]




depend on




don't mind

dread [3]

encourage [1]



finish [3]

forget [3]

forgive for

go on [4]

hate [4]


insist on



like [3]

love [3]


(not) mind


need [3]

neglect [4]

object to

pay for

permit [1]



prefer [4]

propose [4]

protect against/from

quit [3]




regret [3]

rely on

remember [3]


require [1]




specialize in

start [4]

stop [3]

succeed in

suffer from


suspect of

thank for


try [3]


used to

urge [1]

agree to

appear to

arrange to

ask [sb.] to

begin [3] to


can't bear [4] to

can't stand [4] to

care to

cease [4] to

choose [sb.] to

claim to

complain (to sb.) about

continue [4] to


decide to

demand to

deserve to

dread [3] to

expect [sb.] to

explain to

fail to

forget [3] to

get (be allowed) to

happen to

hate [4] to

have sb. do smth.

hesitate to

hope to

intend to

know to

learn to

like [4] to

love [4] to

may (not)

manage to

need [sb.,3] to

make sb. do smth.

might (not)


neglect [4] to

offer to

ought to

plan to

prefer [4] to

prepare [sb.] to

pretend to

promise [sb.] to

propose [4] to

refuse to

regret [3] to

remember [3] to

seem to

should (not)

show to

start [3] to

swear to

tell to

tend to

threaten [sb.] to

try [3] to

vow to

wait to

want [sb.] to

warn sb. of/about

wish [sb.] to


would like [sb.]

would better

would rather

yearn to

advise [1]

allow [1]




encourage [1]


get (cause to)




permit [1]


require [1]


urge [1]


be accused of

accustomed to

be angry with sb. for

be angry about

be annoyed with sb. for

be annoyed about

be addicted to

be afraid of

be amazed at/by

be anxious about

be ashamed of

be astonished at/by

be aware of

be bad at

be bored of

be busy with

be (in)capable of

be committed to

be concerned about

be conscious of

be content with

be critical of

be dedicated to

be delighted with

be (in)dependent on

be devoted to

be disappointed with

be discouraged by

be engaged to

be engaged with

be envious of

be excited about

be famous for

be fond of

be frightened of

be furious about

be furious with sb. for

be guilty of

be good at

be happy about

be impressed with/by

be interested in

be involved in

be jealous of

be keen on

be known for

be nervous about

be opposed to

be pleased with

be proud of

be remembered for

be responsible for

be satisfied with

be scared of

be shocked at/by

be sorry about/for

be surprised at/by

be suspicious of

be terrified of

be tired of

be tolerant of

be upset about

be (get) used to

be worried about

be worth

addiction to

advantage of

anxiety about

belief in

credit for

dedication to

delay in

devotion to

disadvantage of

experience in

fear of

fondness for

habit of

interest in

knowledge of

love of

memory of

objection to

preference for

process of

reaction to

reason for

regret for

report on

reputation for

responsibility for

story about

talent for

be afraid

be amazed

be anxious

be ashamed

be astonished

be bound

be careful

be certain

be content

be delighted

be determined

be eager

be eligible

be fortunate

be glad

be happy

be hesitant

be liable

be likely

be lucky

be prepared

be pleased

be proud

be ready

be relieved

be reluctant

be sad

be shocked

be sorry

be surprised

be upset

be willing



























1 = verb + a gerund OR a noun + an infinitive

3 = verb + a gerund OR an infinitive with a difference in meaning

4 = verb + a gerund OR an infinitive with little difference in meaning


Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)

Verbs + Gerunds OR Infinitives (Similar Meaning)

Expressions + VERB+ing













Verbs Followed by Ving OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)

can't bear

can't stand







as well as

be busy

be in favour of

feel like

have (some) problems

have a difficult time

have a good time

have a hard time

have a problem

have an easy time

have difficulty (in)

have fun

have no difficulty (in)

have no problem

how about

it’s no good (use)

spend one's time

there’s no chance of

there’s no point in

waste one's time

what’s the point of

what’s the use of








listen to


Exercise 9G.

Choose the correct form of the verbal.

Translate the sentences and state the function of the verbals:

1.     When applied/ applying mathematical methods to the solving technical problems engineers are often interested in order to obtain/ obtaining finite numerical results.

2.     The students get/ getting their practical train/ training when they are work/ working at various plants.

3.     I’d like to show/ showing you the work of this device.

4.     He enjoyed to work/ working with this group.

5.     You must avoid to use/ using an optical mouse on a reflective surface.

6.      I saw him to cross/ crossing the street.


Exercise 10G.

Translate the sentences into English using the expressions: to be good at, to be sorry for, to be worth, to go on, to give up, to be of great importance, it goes without saying:


1.     Зрозуміло, що після закінчення університету він працюватиме програмістом.

2.     Він оголосив, що відмовився від паління.

3.     Мене запитали, кому належить ідея створення космічних ракет.

4.     Їм повідомили, що не варто використовувати цей прилад для тестування.

5.     Він пішов, не завершивши своєї роботи.

6.     Будь-хто знає, що вивчення іноземних мов має велике значення для кожної освіченої людини.

7.     Вона спитала, чи потребують такі принтери реклами.

8.     Існує декілька шляхів вирішення такої проблеми.

9.     Продовжуй читати!

10.Він добре знається на розв’язанні подібних питань.

11.Він вибачився за запізнення.

12.Мене запитали, чи я працював до вступу до університету.


They objected to applying this method — Вони

 заперечували проти застосування цього методу.

What is worth doing is worth doing well — Те, що

 варто робити — варто робити добре.

It is useless to discuss the problem — Даремно

 обговорювати цю проблему.

We continued discussing the problem — Ми

 продовжували обговорювати проблему


Translation of the –ing Forms/Participles



Infininive (to V0)

To know |her| is |to love| her — Знати їїзначить любити її


Gerund (Ving)

Seeing |and| doing | are two different things — Бачити і робитирізні речі



Infininive (to V0)

It is pleasant |to swim| in the sea — Приємно плавати в морі


Gerund (Ving)

He likes |driving| a car — Він любить водити машину



Gerund (Ving)

There are many ways |of doing| it — Існує багато способів здійснити це


Infininive (to V0)

I have no desire |to go| there — У мене нема бажання іти туди


Participle І (Ving)

A person |bringing| good news is always welcome — Людині, яка приносить хороші вісті, завжди раді


Participle ІI (V3/Ved)

The rooms |reserved| for them are upstairs —

Кімнати, заброньовані для них, нагорі



Gerund (Ving)

He stood | without noticing | anyone —Він стояв, не помічаючи нікого

It’s no good to swim |after eating| — Погано плавати після їжі


Infininive (to V0)

He stopped |to buy| some papers — Він зупинився, щоб купити газети


Participle І (Ving)

When writing | a telegram use few wordsКоли пишете телеграму, вживайте мало слів


Participle ІI (V3/Ved)

When painted | the house looked nice — Коли будинок пофарбували, він став виглядати приємно

Частина присудка


Infininive (to V0)

He can* writeВін може писати

He began to writeВін почав писати

His desire is to writeЙого бажанняписати


Participle І (Ving)

He is writingВін пише

He sat writing — Він сидів і писав


Participle ІI (V3/Ved)

He has writtenВін написав

The letter was written — Лист був написаний

He looked tired — Він мав стомлений вигляд

He had his shoes mended — Йому полагодили туфлі


Gerund (Ving)

My greatest pleasure remains readingМоїм найбільшим задоволенням залишається читання

He went on readingВін продовжував читати

*дієслова: must, need (not), can, may, might, ought to, should, would, used to, dare

**усі форми Continuous Tense

***усі форми Perfect Tense

****усі форми Passive Voice


Exercise 11G.

Translate the following sentences into English:

1.     Складання програми вимагає великої уваги програміста.

2.     Провівши багато дослідів, вчені змогли запустити цю систему.

3.     Пам'ять використовується для збереження різноманітної інформації.

4.     Він добре ремонтує комп’ютери.

5.     Дякую за запрошення на конференцію.

6.     Блок вводу складається з пристроїв, які використовують різні значення.

7.     Логічні операції, які виконуються комп’ютером – це порівняння, вибірка, узгодження та визначення.

8.     Обговорюючи переваги даного пристрою, професор надав студентам усі необхідні пояснення.

9.     Які переваги використання мов програмування?

10.           Хто цей чоловік, який сидить в комісії?

11.           Він міг читати технічну літературу, не користуючись словником.

12.           Використовуючи Інтернет, він підготував цікаву доповідь про історію комп’ютерів.

13.           Які компанії, що виготовляють процесори, ви знаєте?

14.           Після закінчення університету він працює програмістом.

15.           Коли подорожуєш, варто взяти портативний комп’ютер.

16.           Оптична миша не потребує чищення, оскільки вона не містить рухомих деталей.

17.           Вона добре перекладає тексти, користуючись електронним словником.

18.           Закінчивши університет, він вирішив продовжити своє навчання в аспірантурі. (take a post-graduate course)


Money spent on brain isn’t spent in vain.

 Гроші, витрачені на розум, витрачені


having Ving ® –вши

Having got what he wanted, he went away.

Отримавши те, що він бажав, він пішов.


 + дієслово

She came over from Canada to live here.

Вона приїхала з Канади, для того

щоб жити тут.

There is a lot of work to do first.Є багато роботи, яку треба зробити

 перш за все.


(R) Reading


The fastest growing occupation in the nearest future

The great impact of computers and information technology on our everyday life has generated a need to design and develop new computer software systems and to incorporate new technologies into a rapidly growing range of applications.

Computer software engineers are projected to be one of the fastest growing occupations in the next 10 years.

In programming or coding, software engineers instruct a computer, step by step, how to perform a function. They also solve technical problems that arise, but they are more concerned with developing algorithms and analyzing and solving programming problems than with actually writing code. They use different programming languages, depending on the purpose of the program.

Employment of computer software engineers is expectable to increase much faster than average for all occupations. Demand for computer software engineers will increase as computer networking continues to grow. For example, the expanding integration of Internet technologies and the explosive growth in electronics have resulted in rising demand for the specialists who can develop Internet, Intranet and World Wide Web applications.

Most employers prefer to hire persons having at least a bachelor’s degree and broad knowledge of computer systems and technologies. Very good opportunities are expected for college graduates with practical work experience.

Persons interested in jobs as computer software engineers must have strong problem-solving abilities and analytical skills. They also must be able to communicate effectively with team members and the customers they meet. A core team may comprise engineering, marketing, manufacturing and designing people, who should work together until the product is released.

New growth areas will continue to arise from rapidly evolving technologies. Also, information security concerns have given rise to new software needs. So, the expansion of this technology in the next 10 years will lead to an increased need for computer engineers to design and develop the software and systems to run these new applications and integrate them into older systems.



Read the text, translate it and choose the proper variant:

1.       High-level programming languages BASIC, Pascal, ADA, C, and C++ are considered to be the programming languages to learn/ to be learnt.

2.       BASIC was developed/ developing in 1965 and is one of the earliest programming/ programmed languages. BASIC was originally created as an interactive programming language for time sharing/ shared on large mainframes. It is widely used on all sizes of computers and has become extremely popular on microcomputers/ minicomputers.

3.       PASCAL is a general/ special purpose high-level programming language. It is named after the famous French/ English mathematician Blaze Pascal, who in 1642 designed and built the first mechanical calculator/ computer. Pascal was proposed and defined in 1971, and gained/ has gained popularity in universities and colleges of Europe and the USA.

4.       ADA is a PASCAL based/ basing language, but much more comprehensive than PASCAL, being designed for both commercial and scientific problems. It was named after Augusta Ada Byron, daughter of the famous English/ American/ Scottish poet, Lord Byron.

5.       C is a compiler/ compiling language. Some operating/ operated systems are written in C.


(SR) Supplementary reading (block I)


Exercise 1SR.

a)  Look carefully at the job advertisements and discuss with another student what personal qualities and professional abilities you would need for each job. Tick ( the most important qualities in the list. Then add some more of your own:


required by DIGITUM, a leading supplier of business systems to the insurance industry.

You will be able to work on the full range of development activities — analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation. At least two years' experience of COBOL is necessary.

As we are active in Europe, fluency in French, Italian or another European language is desirable.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn new skills and develop your career.

Send your curriculum vitae to



You can visit our Web site at:

DTP Operator

required for a leading financial magazine. We are looking for a bright, competent QuarkXPress operator with at least three years' experience in design and layout. Skills in Photoshop, Freehand or Illustrator an advantage. Ability to work in a team and to tight deadlines is vital.

Please apply in writing, with CV and samples of your work, to Tom Parker, Production Manager, Financial Monthly, Stockton Street, London EC1 4WW


logical reasoning


physical fitness



willingness to take on responsibility

ability to lead a team

patience and tenacity

ability to draw well

being good with figures

b)  Would you like to apply for one of these jobs? Why?


Exercise 2SR.

Study the personal profile of Charles Graham. Which is the most suitable job for him?


Charles Graham

·     28 years old. Married.

·     Education: 3 A-levels. In-depth knowledge of Apple Macintosh equipment.

·     Course in graphic design and page-layout applications from Highland Art School.

·     Proficient in Adobe PageMaker.

·     Diploma in word processing. Wide experience in MS Word.

·     Present job: Computer operator for PromoPrint, a company specializing in publishing catalogues and promotional material.


(L) Listening


Task (Recording 5)    icon

Exercise 1L.

a)            Listen to part of Chris Scott's interview with Sarah Brown and complete his notes:

Name: Sarah Brown

Address: 19 Sandford Street, London HW7 4HH

Home phone no: 0181 569 1260

Job applied for: Senior Programmer


· University: _____________________________________

·   Foreign languages: Basic knowledge of Italian and Spanish

Work experience:

·   At NCR _______________________________________

·   What was software used for? __________________________________

·   What computers were used? __________________________________

·   Knowledge of databases? _____________________________________

· Present job: Works for Intelligent Software; writes programs in COBOL

Reasons for applying: ________________________________________

b)           Listen again and check your answers. Then compare your answers with a partner.


Task (Recording 6)    icon

Exercise 2L.

а)    Listen to the conversation about the job interview and guess the meaning of the following expressions:the worst experience in my life

·        for some reason

·        put on the résumé

·        a total lie

·        look well-rounded

·        test me on it

·        I felt so nauseous.


б)      Listen again and check your notes consulting the dictionary.


(SR) Supplementary reading (block II)


Exercise 3SR.

How to write an effective CV

Jon Larsson is thinking of a career move. He has read the job ads in the classified section of his newspaper and has started updating his CV in preparation for the application process.


Exercise 4SR.

Read Jon’s biography from his personal webpage and answer the questions that follow:

Jon’s Homepage


Hi, I’m Jon Larsson. Welcome to my personal webpage.

I’m a 42 year-old Marketing Manager for a major multinational software company. I’m originally from Sweden, but have spent most of my life in the UK, so I’m bilingual (I also speak fluent Italian and French). I am currently living in Edinburgh, the beautiful capital of Scotland. However, I feel I need a new challenge in my life, both personally and professionally, so I have decided on a change of direction. I am interested in a fresh start abroad and in a new area of business – I’ve been working with computers for too long!

I have a great deal of experience in marketing having worked in this area for over 10 years. I planned and implemented projects which increased SoftFocus’s market share by 10%. I also restructured the Sales and Marketing Dept at Starsign and improved sales figures by 20%. I have a Diploma in Marketing from Glasgow University (1987) and an MBA completed online with Aston University (1998 -2000). I graduated from Aberdeen University in 1983 after successfully completing a 4-year BA in Economics and International Relations.

So, I have the experience, the qualifications, but not the job satisfaction. I feel it’s time I put my skills and knowledge to better use – for myself and for others. I’ve been very lucky in my career and I am financially secure, so a big salary in my next job is not the most important factor for me. The opportunity to travel and to experience something new and exciting is more attractive. I am not in a hurry to start a new job, I’d rather take my time to make the right decision.

It’s time to update my CV and scan the job ads in the newspapers and on the internet!


Jon is happy with his current job.…………………………………..…...….(T/ F)

He has worked in computers for over 10 years..…………………….……...(T/ F)

He made a significant difference to the profits of SoftFocus and Starsign...(T/ F)

Jon is changing jobs for financial security...……………………….……….(T/ F)

He wants to start a new job as soon as possible...…………………….…….(T/ F)


Exercise 5SR.

Read this article from a business magazine about how to write an effective CV, and then read Jon’s CV.


How to write an effective CV

Get yourself noticed. Get ahead of the competition. Get that job!

We asked 3 Human Resources managers with top organisations what they look for in a good CV. What gets you noticed and put on the shortlist and which CVs go straight to the Recycle bin! This is what they said: “Clear layout. Use headings and keywords.” “Don’t overuse formatting i.e. not too many different styles in Bold, italics, underlining.” “Concise writing style.” “No long winded explanations and long sentences please.” “Reverse chronological order i.e. most recent job listed first. If you have a long career history only include the last 8 to 10 years. If you are quite new to the job market, present any relevant experience”

 “Don’t start with your first ever job. We’re more interested in your more recent experience.” “Include RELEVANT educational background as well as work experience” “Don’t tell us about the swimming certificate you got at primary school! Keep it relevant and up to date.” “Check your CV for spelling mistakes before you send it.” “Don’t leave gaps in your employment history.” “References are really important. They should be professional references.” “Do NOT use your best friend or a family member as a referee.” Be positive! Promote yourself! Don’t undersell yourself!


Make your CV easy to read. A big company will receive hundreds of CVs for each job and the person reading them will only scan them quickly looking for keywords and information to match you to the job requirements. Make sure the reader doesn’t delete your CV. Use the following headings to direct attention to the important parts:


Personal details→→Achievements→→Career history→→Referees→→     Profile→→Qualifications→→Interests→→Special skills


Exercise 6SR.

Use the headings from the article above to complete Jon’s CV:


Curriculum Vitae

Jon Larsson



Name: Jon Larsson

Date of Birth: 20/05/1961

Address: 16 Ringwood Gardens



A Marketing Director in a major software firm, SoftFocus Computers, seeking a fresh challenge in a socially responsible organisation.




Marketing Diploma


Boy Scouts Badge

Swimming certificate 100m



Sales Assistant

Marketing Co-ordinator

Asst. Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager

Best Clothing Co.

Fiji Film Co.

Starsign Computers

SoftFocus Computers

August 1990 – May 1992

February 1995 – June 1995


June 1995 – January 1997


January 1997 – present



·         Planned and implemented projects which increased SoftFocus’s market share by 10%.

·         Restructured the Sales and Marketing Dept at Starsign and improved sales figures by 20%.



·         Bi-lingual: English/Swedish

·         Fluent in Italian and French



Mrs Julia Larsson

16 Ringwood Gardens



Dr Charles Runner

Director, Sales and Marketing

Starsign Computers



Can you suggest any improvements to help Jon update his CV?

Is there anything he needs to add, change or remove?

Exercise 7SR.

Understanding job advertisements

Read these job ads. Which posts does Jon have the qualifications and experience for? Tick the jobs. Which job would be most suitable for him now? Why?

·      Online Project Manager            Job 1

·      Location: London

·      Salary: Very attractive salary + benefits

·      E-Market, a major online trading community, is looking for an Online Project Manager.

·      As part of an online marketing team, you will be responsible for acquiring new e-Market users. You will lead a team involved in planning and negotiating online deals. You will have a minimum of five years' experience in online planning at a media company.

·      If you feel you have the right experience for this role, please send your CV.

·      GlobalAid                                Job 2

·      We are looking for a hard-working individual with a project development background to join our small but expanding team in an exciting and important environmental and conservation project.

·      You will be required to spend up to 6 months in your first year abroad, perhaps relocating to our project base in Kenya.

·      Financial rewards: limited!

·      Job satisfaction: unlimited!

·      Curriculum Vitae to: Personnel, GlobalAid

Want to make a difference?        Job 3

·      Feel undervalued and fed up with your corporate life?

·      If you have the skills and experience but not the opportunity to use them in a positive way, Action Africa can offer you the opportunity to discover a more satisfying and rewarding working life.

·      We need people with experience of managing finances and a strong track record in project development to support a new aid project in Africa. The post is based at our head office in London. Immediate start. E-mail/fax your CV now.

Marketing Director                             Job 4

·      Location: Hong Kong

·      Salary: $45000-$55000 pa + benefits

·      Netway, a highly successful Internet Company is looking for a Marketing Director to start ASAP.

·      As part of an online marketing team you will be responsible for strategy and online brand development

·      Ideally, you will have at least four years' experience in planning and buying and 5 years' experience negotiating deals and managing accounts for business development.

·      E-mail your résumé to:


Exercise 8SR.

Read the advertisements again and decide if these statements are True or False:



Global Aid is offering a good salary.


Netway is looking for someone to start very soon.


Experience is not necessary for the Action Africa post.


Global Aid wants someone who is prepared to move to Africa.


All the jobs request applicants to send a CV.



Exercise 9SR.

Find the expressions in the ads with the same meaning as the expressions below:


at least (Job1)

a minimum of

moving to (Job2)


Human Resources (Job2)


in a foreign country (Job2)


bored (Job3)


as soon as possible (Job4)



Exercise 10SR.

Job skills checklist.

Purpose: The purpose of this skills inventory is to help you to be able to come up with different skills that you may be having a hard time thinking of yourself.

How to use the Skills Inventory: The following is a sample list of skills found in a cross section of careers. Circle every skill that applies to you. Jot down examples of situations in your working life that demonstrate this skill. Then try to incorporate these skills into your resume and/or cover letter. Good Luck!


administering programs

planning agendas/meetings

updating files

advising people

planning organizational needs

setting up demonstrations

analyzing data

predicting futures

sketching charts or diagrams

assembling apparatus

rehabilitating people

writing reports

auditing financial reports

organizing tasks

writing for publication

budgeting expenses

prioritizing work

expressing feelings

calculating numerical data

creating new ideas

checking for accuracy

finding information

meeting people

classifying records

handling complaints

evaluating programs

coaching individuals

handling detail work

editing work

collecting money

imagining new solutions

tolerating interruptions

compiling statistics

interpreting languages

confronting other people

inventing new ideas

dispensing information

constructing buildings

proposing ideas

adapting new procedures

coping with deadlines

investigating problems

negotiating/arbitrating conflicts

promoting events

locating missing information

speaking to the public

raising funds

dramatizing ideas

writing letters/papers/proposals

questioning others

estimating physical space

reading volumes of material

being thorough

organizing files

remembering information

coordinating schedules/times

managing people

interviewing prospective employees

running meetings

selling products

listening to others

supervising employees

teaching/instructing/training individuals

relating to the public

enduring long hours

inspecting physical objects

entertaining people

displaying artistic ideas

distributing products

deciding uses of money

managing an organization

delegating responsibility

measuring boundaries

serving individuals

mediating between people

counseling/consulting people

motivating others

persuading others

operating equipment

reporting information

summarizing information

supporting others

encouraging others

delegating responsibilities

determining a problem

defining a problem

comparing results

screening telephone calls

maintaining accurate records

drafting reports

collaborating ideas

administering medication

comprehending ideas

overseeing operations

motivating others

generating accounts

teaching/instructing/training individuals

thinking in a logical manner

making decisions

becoming actively involved

defining performance standards

resolving conflicts

analyzing problems

recommending courses of action

selling ideas

preparing written communications

expressing ideas orally to individuals or groups

conducting interviews

performing numeric analysis

conducting meetings

setting priorities

setting work/committee goals

developing plans for projects

gathering information

taking personal responsibility

thinking of creative ideas

providing discipline when necessary

maintaining a high level of activity

enforcing rules and regulations

meeting new people

developing a climate of enthusiasm, teamwork, and cooperation

interacting with people at different levels

picking out important information

creating meaningful and challenging work

taking independent action

skillfully applying professional knowledge

maintaining emotional control under stress

knowledge of concepts and principles

providing customers with service

knowledge of community/government affairs




(SR) Supplementary Reading (block III)


Computers in daily life

Types of systems used in the home

Each month it seems that computers either cost less or get more powerful! When the original PC was released by IBM in 1981 only businesses could afford them. These days it is common to find powerful PCs in the home bought for educational or recreational use. It is odd to think that the computer in your home is many times more powerful than the on-board computers used to land the Apollo spaceships on the moon! Would you fly a spaceship using a home computer?


Many people now balance the monthly budget using their computer.


The vast majority of home computers are still used to play games on.

More information:

Game cheats!


Many parents will buy their child a computer in order to take advantage of the vast range of educational software that is now available. While the price of PCs is getting lower and lower, there is the danger here that home education via the computer will be divided into the 'haves' and the 'have nots'.

More information:

Working from home (Tele-working)

If you have a computer at your home, linked to the office via a modem, there is often little real need to travel to the office. Many people find that working at home is more productive, and often far less stressful than fighting your way through the commuters into a large city! Many sales people rarely see their head office as they communicate with their companies via phone calls or emails.


Many people are starting to realize that by using the Internet they can sell to the entire world. If you are not interested in making money from home the Internet offers you a vast range of educational, research and just plain fun opportunities.

Bank 'hole in the wall' cash machines

Most banks now offer ‘hole in the wall’ cash machine facilities. Using these machines, you can withdraw cash, check your balance and in some cases even transfer money between accounts. This is often much more convenient for customers, as they offer a 24 hour service (assuming they are not out of order and that the bank has remembered to fill them!). From the bank’s point of view, they offer a more flexible service to their customers while reducing their overheads. In fact, most banks have shed huge numbers of front line staff and middle management as a result of implementing new technologies.

On-line banking

Many banks are now introducing on-line banking. Using your computer, you can connect to the banks computer system (often via the Internet) and control your day-to-day finances from home. The concept of on-line banking has enormous benefits to the banks; they can increase their profits while reducing their investment in staff and buildings. Many customers find the advantage of paying bills and moving money between accounts, from the comfort of their own home as a very attractive idea.

Smart ID cards

These cards have recently been introduced in many countries and are called smart cards because they contain a memory chip within the card. They can be credited with an amount of ‘virtual money’ which can then be spent by the card being read by a special machine when you purchase goods or services and this amount is then debited from the card. When all the money on the card is spent, you need to get more virtual money credited to the card.

More information:


Self-scanning of goods is being introduced in many countries. When you buy goods in many large shops, you are issued with a scanning device, which allows you to scan your purchases as you pick them off the shelf. When it comes to paying for your purchases you know exactly how much it has cost and also has the advantage that the check-out staff do not have to take all the products out of one basket, scan it and then re-package it in another basket. In many ways this is ideal for the customer, as it offers convenience and from the shops point of view they can process orders more quickly, with less staff, and in the process increase profits.

On-line supermarkets

A recent innovation is the facility to order your supermarket goods on-line and these will be delivered to your door.


Libraries use computers to log books in and out. Many libraries now use bar codes to identify individual books, when someone wishes to borrow a book the librarian scans the bar code, this tells the computer system all about the book (title, author, etc.), removing the need for this information to be keyed in. The computer system can also automatically generate reminder letters to members with overdue books.

Doctors surgeries

A doctor’s time is precious (and expensive!) so many now use computers to help organize their day. Patient appointments are logged on a computer system and the computer can also be used the store patients medical records, allowing the doctor instant access to a patients medical history.


(G) Grammar (block II):


Past Activities

for, since, ago


for: We've used Microsoft Internet Explorer for two years.

since: I've been a programmer since 1993.

ago: I left university seven years ago.


Exercise 12G

Sarah Brown is one of the applicants for the job of Senior Programmer advertised in Ex.2SR. Read her letter of application and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


19 Sandford Street London NW7 4HH

2 March 1999

Mr Scott

Personnel Manager


75 Parkhill Street

London SW2 3DE


Dear Mr Scott,

I am writing to (apply) _________ for the position of Senior Programmer which (advertise) _________ on 28 February in The Times.

I (work) _________ as a computer programmer for the last three years. After graduation I (work) _________ for a year with NCR and (be) ________ now _________ with Intelligent Software for two years. I design systems in COBOL for use in large retail chains. These have been very successful and we (win) ________ several new contracts in the UK and Europe on the strength of my team's success.

Last year I (spend) _________ three months in Spain testing our programs and also (make) _________ several short visits to Italy so I have a basic knowledge of Spanish and Italian. I now feel ready for more responsibility and more challenging work and would welcome the opportunity to learn about a new industry.

I enclose my curriculum vitae and look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,


Sarah Brown


Exercise 13G

Look at the box above and then complete the sentences below using for, since or ago:

1    I've been looking for a job...... April.

2    They've used a fax machine..... the past two years.

3    Kate Jackson studied computer sciences... three years.

4    I got married six years.......

5    She's been working for this firm........ 1990.


What is the difference in meaning between these two sentences?

a)     I've worked for a year as a senior programmer.

b)    I worked for a year as a senior programmer.


(S) Speaking


Exercise 1S.

Answer the following questions:

1.            Why did you choose the computer engineering department?

2.            What’s your favourite profession?

3.            Do you have any practical experience with computers?

4.            What programming languages do you know?

5.            What subjects connected with your future profession do you study?

6.            Do you plan to start your own business?

7.            What should be the wage (salary) of a software engineer?

8.            What working conditions are the appropriate ones for software engineers?

9.            Should you know any foreign language to be successive?

10.       What jobs do you think you would like to do?

11.       What qualities are needed for them?

12.       What do you think a typical day in this job would be like?


Exercise 2S.

Make up a story about your future profession using the words and word-expressions below:

to be going to, my future profession, the most promising occupation, to have practical experience, bachelor’s degree, knowledge of computer systems, self-employed, over the period, to look for, to find, to earn living, independently, to start one’s own business, to be successive.

Exercise 3S.

David is having an interview for a job as a webmaster. Choose the correct words:

Interviewer: So why (have you applied/have you been applying) for this position?

David: Well, (since/for) the last three years I (‘ve been working/worked) in an interesting, but very small, company, and I now feel ready to move on to a bigger challenge. I’d welcome the opportunity to continue my career at a company such as yours.

Interviewer: Right. And can you describe what your responsibilities are at – what’s your current company called again? Ah, yes, at Intertech?

David: Of course. Well, I (started/have started) working there three years (since/ago), as I (said/have said) , and (until/for) July 2007 I (was/have been) responsible for one aspect of the company’s online presence – specifically, the online catalogue. However, I was then promoted and put in charge of the design and maintenance of the entire website. In January 2008, I (help/helped) to implement a new e-commerce system, which allows people to buy directly from the catalogue using ‘one-click’ ordering. It (was/’s been) very successful so far.

Interviewer: That’s very impressive. What about foreign languages? Your English is obviously very good, but do you speak any other languages?

David: Well, French – my mother tongue – obviously. I also (spent/have spent) some time in Spain five years (since/ago) as part of my degree, so I’d say I have intermediate Spanish. I (didn’t practise/haven’t been practising) it much recently, though.

Interviewer: Well, it is hard to find the time, isn’t it? OK, just one more thing. (Did you/Have you) ever had experience of people management?

David: Yes, absolutely. At Intertech I’m in charge of one member of staff – a web editor. I’ve (never/ever) had any problems with the management side of my role; in fact, I really enjoy it.

Interviewer: OK, well that’s good news. Well, we need to have a think about it, but we’ll let you know ASAP.

David: Thank you for seeing me today. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


(G) Grammar (block III):





Функція та її ознаки




смислове дієслово присудок V2

He used my car — Він користувався моєю машиною


частина словосполучення get used to — звикати

You will get used to it —

Ви звикнете до цього

часто, бувало, раніше

модальне слово після нього стоїть частка to

I used to see him —

Я часто зустрічав його