Grammar:                                   Ступені порівняння прикметників
Reading:                                     Computers and Internet in our Life
Speaking:                                    Hooking Up My Computer


Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Ступені порівняння прикметників
Ванглійськіймові, яківукраїнській, якісніприкметникимаютьтриступеніпорівняння: звичайний (the Positive Degree), вищий (the Comparative Degree), найвищий (the Superlative degree).

Утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників
Форма звичайного ступеня прикметник анемає якогось спеціального закінчення: wide, pleasant, difficult. Форми вищого і найвищого ступенів можуть бути простими (утворюються за допомогою закінчень) і складними (утворюються за допомогою службових слів). Прості форми вищого і найвищого ступенів утворюються додаванням закінчень -еr(для вищого ступеня) і -est(для найвищого ступеня) до форми звичайного ступеня прикметника. Перед прикметниками у найвищому ступені стоїть означений артикль. При утворенніпростих форм вищого і найвищого ступенів слід дотримуватисьтаких правил.

1) Односкладові прикметники, які закінчуються на одну приголосну з попереднім коротким голосним звуком, подвоюють у написанні кінцеву приголосну у вищому і найвищому ступенях:
Example:bigbigger— (the) biggest.

2) Прикметники, які закінчуються на букву з попередньою приголосною, у вищому і найвищому ступенях змінюють на :
Example:easyeasier — (the) easiest.

3) Прикметники, які закінчуються у звичайному ступені на німе -е, у вищому і найвищому ступенях опускають його:
Example:largelarger— (the) largest.

Прості форми вищого і найвищого ступенів мають такі прикметники:
1) усі односкладові прикметники;
2) двоскладові прикметники, які закінчуються на , -er, -le, -ow.
Складні форми вищого і найвищого ступенів утворюються додаванням службових слів more і (the) most до звичайного ступеня прикметника. Складні форми вищого і найвищого ступенів утворюють такі прикметники:
1) усі багатоскладові (ті, що мають більш як два склади) прикметники;
2) двоскладові прикметники, які не закінчуються на , -er, -le, -ow і мають наголос на першому складі;

3) усі прикметники, які збігаються за формою з дієприкметником теперішнього або минулого часу (тобто закінчуються на -ing та -ed).

Деякі прикметники утворюють вищий і найвищий ступені порівняння не за загальними правилами, наприклад:

Звичайний ступінь goodbad
Вищий ступіньbetterworse
Найвищий ступінь
(the) best     (the) least
(the) worst

Деякі прислівники мають по дві форми вищого і найвищого ступенів, які різні за своїм значенням.

  • Форми elder, (the) eldest вживаються стосовно членів однієї сім'ї. Але при наявності слова than (порівняння) вживається форма older, а не elder. Форми later, (the) latest вживаються стосовно часу.
  • Форми latter, (the) last означають порядок послідовності.

Вживання ступенів порівняння прикметників
Звичайний ступінь може вживатися при порівнянні двох предметів з однаковою мірою якості. Для цього вживається конструкція (just) as + звичайний ступінь прикметника + as...
Example: Your room is just as large as mine.

Звичайний ступінь може вживатися і для вираження неоднакової міри якості, а саме:
not so + прикметник у звичайному ступені +as...
half as + прикметник у звичайному ступені +as...
twiceas + прикметник у звичайному ступені + as...
three times (four times іт. п.) as + прикметникузвичайномуступені + as...

Для підсилення вищого ступеня вживаються слова much, far (значно, набагато).
Example:The river is much deeper in the middle.

Найвищий ступінь виражає найвищу міру якості при порівнянні кількох (більше двох) предметів. Прикметники у найвищому ступені часто зустрічаються у таких конструкціях:
а) з означальними підрядними реченнями;
б) у сполученнях з прийменниками in, ofта ін.

Exercise 1. Утворіть вищий та найвищий ступені прикметників.
Old, heavy, difficult, bad, large, careful, happy, pretty, far, important, hot, good.
Exercise2. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібну форму прикметника.
1. Which is______ (long) day of the year? 2. Winter is______ (cold) season. 3. My friend's flat is not so______ (new) as my flat. 4. Where is it_____ (beautiful), in the mountains or near the sea? 5. It was_____ (good) trip I've ever had. 6. In spring the days are_____ (long) than in winter. 7. It is_____ (cold) today than it was yesterday. 8. The Ukrainian grammar is_____ (difficult) than the English one. 9. Friendship is_____ (strong) than steel.

Exercise 3.Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Are the mountains of the Crimea as high as the mountains of the Caucasus? 2. Is the climate of England as mild as that in this country? 3. Which is the shortest month of the year? 4. Which is the biggest city in Great Britain? 5. Which is the most beautiful square in Vinnytsia? 6. Which season is the coldest? 7. Where is it better to live, in the city or in the country? 8. Where is it warmer, in Greece or in Canada?

Exercise4. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.
1. Брат не такий стомлений, як його сестра. 2. Моя валіза така ж важка, як і твоя. 3. Київ такий же гарний, як і Львів. 4. Цей будинок такий же високий, як і той. 5. Сьогодні вода в річці не така тепла, як вчора. 6. Мій дядько такий же розумний, як і тато. 7. Франція не така велика, як Китай. 8. Наше місто таке ж зелене, як і Одеса. 9. Його бабуся не така стара, як дідусь. 10. Яблука такі ж смачні, як і сливи, але не такі смачні, як груші. 11. Ти живеш так само далеко від університету, як і я? 12. Хокей не такий популярний, як футбол. 13. Дніпро не такий довгий, як Ніл. 14. Минулого року серпень був такий же спекотний, як і цього року. 15. Він не такий розумний, як його брат. 16. Вона така ж щедра, як і вся її сім’я. 17. Його квартира така ж зручна, як і твоя. 18. Екзамен був не таким важким, як ми очікували.

Exercise 5. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.
1. Ця вправа трохи легша за попередню. 2. Новий фільм набагато цікавіший, ніж старий. 3. Футбольна команда нашого університету сильніша, ніж команди інших університетів нашого міста. 4. Українці ─ один із найталановитіших і найгостинніших народів світу. 5. Цей виноград соковитіший, ніж той. 6. Пісні моєї улюбленої групи мелодійніші, ніж пісні інших. 7. Ці ягоди червоніші, ніж ті. 8. Повітря в селі чистіше, ніж в місті. 9. Я вища за свою подружку, хоча вона і старша за мене. 10. Вінниця старіша за Суми. 11. Дніпро довший за Дністер. 12. Говерла вища за Роман-Кош.

Exercise 6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібну форму прикметника.
1. We should eat (healthy) food. 2. Today the air isn't as (clean) as it used to be. 3. It's (good) picture he has ever made. 4. This man is (tall) than that one. 5. Asia is (large) than Australia. 6. The Dnipro is (short) than the Mississippi. 7. Which university is the (old) in Vinnytsia? 8. Mary is a (good) student than Lucy. 9. The Carpathians are (high) than the Crimean Mountains. 10. This park is the (beautiful) in our town. 11. She speaks German (good) than English. 12. Are words in German (long) than words in English? 13. The Buh is (short) than the Dnipro. 14. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean.

Exercise 7. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібну форму прикметника.
1. Her eyes are (big) than mine. 2. He was (strong) man in the village. 3. As she went on a diet, she became (slim) and (slim). 4. My sister is the (pretty) girl in her group. 5. Who is the (attentive) student іn your group? 6. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow). 7. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my life. 8. Your pronunciation is now (good) than it was last year, but still it is not so (good) as others’. 9. Oil is (light) than water. 10. We shall wait for a (dry) day to go on the excursion. 11. A bus is (fast) than a tram.

Exercise 8. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову.
1. Це найуспішніша роль в його кар’єрі. 2. Мій комп'ютер не такий новий, як комп'ютер мого друга. 3. Сьогодні хворий почуває себе набагато краще.4. Споруда водонапірної вежі найстаріша у нашому місті. 5. Наше місто не таке велике, як столиця, але воно таке ж гарне. 6. Хрещатик — одна з найкрасивіших вулиць Києва. 7. Хто наймолодший студент у нашій групі? — Петров. Але він найвищий. 8. Граматика англійської мови важка, але англійська вимова важча. 9. Магазини на нашій вулиці більші, ніж магазини на вашій вулиці. 10. Моя кімната така ж світла і простора, як і у мого брата. 11. Ця книга цікаві­ша, ніж та. 12. Погода сьогодні гірша, ніж учора. Сьогодні холодніше, і йде дощ. 13. Моя кімната у гуртожитку не така велика, як кімната моєї подруги, але вона тепліша. 14. Яка з цих книг найцікавіша? 15. Листопад — не такий холодний місяць, як грудень. 16. Мій батько — дуже зайнята людина. 17. Карпати — одне з найкращих місць для відпочинку.


Word and word-combinations

count v — рахувати                              almost — майже
a few — декілька                                   device n — прилад
memory n— пам’ять                            still — все ще
until — до тих пір, поки не                  order n — порядок
purpose n — мета                                  input — вхід
navigate v — плавати на кораблі         output — вихід
alone — одинокий                                weight n — вага
solve v — вирішувати                           by means of — за допомогою
take up v — займати                                                       
become v — ставати                              to retrieve — відновити, відшукати
remote — дистанційний                                              
to estimate — підраховувати, оцінювати              
to underpin — підкріплювати
via the internet — через інтернет
to withstand — витримати                                                   
seamless — цілісний                             to browse — переглядати
via hypertext — через гіпертекст                                           


Text 10A

Computers in our Life

A computer is really a very specific kind of a counting machine. It can do arithmetic problems faster than any person alive. By means of electronic processes it can find the answer to a very difficult and complicated problem in a few seconds. A computer can «remember» information you give it. It keeps the information in its «memory» until it is needed. There are different kinds of computers. Some can do only one job. There are special-purpose computers. Each specific problem requires a specific computer. One kind of computer can help us build a spaceship; another kind can help us navigate it. A special-purpose computer is built for this purpose alone and cannot do anything else. But there are some computers that can do many different jobs. They are called the general-purpose computers. There are the big «brains» that solve the most different problems of science. We need to think of a computer as a large machine that took up a whole room. But today computers are becoming smaller and smaller. Though these small devices are called microcomputers or minicomputers, they are still true computers.

The most important parts of a general-purpose computer are as follows: 1) memory, where information is kept; 2) an arithmetic unit for performing calculations; 3) a control unit for the correct order of operations; 4) input device; 5) output devices for displaying the results of calculations. The input and output devices are called peripherals. There are several advantages in making computers as small as one can. Sometimes weight is particularly important. A modern plane carries many heavy electronic apparatus. If it is possible to make any of them smaller, it can carry a bigger weight. But weight is not the only factor. The smaller the computer, the faster it can work. The signals go to and fro at a very high but almost constant speed.

Some of the first computers cost millions of dollars, but people quickly learned that it was cheaper to let a million dollar computer make the necessary calculations than to have a hundred clerks trying to do the same by hand. Scientists found that computers made fewer mistakes and could fulfill the tasks much faster than almost any number of people using usual methods. The computers became popular. As their popularity grew the number of factories producing them also grew.

Supercomputers are mostly used for highly complex scientific tasks, such as analyzing the results of nuclear physics experiments and weather forecasting. Microcomputers now come in a range of sizes from battery-powered pocket PC’s and electronic organizers, notebook and laptop PC’s to floor-standing tower systems that may serve local area networks or work as minicomputers. Indeed, most minicomputers are now built using low-cost microcomputers, and large-scale computers built out of multiple microprocessors are starting to challenge traditional mainframe and supercomputer designs.


Завдання до тексту 10A.
Знайдіть в тексті англійські еквіваленти до наведених нижче словосполучень.
Складна проблема, «великий мозок», наступний, блок управління, виконувати обчислення, пристрій введення, декілька переваг, такий малий як, особливо, постійна швидкість, робити вручну, виконувати завдання, діапазон розмірів.

Закінчіть речення.
1. These small devices are still t…c… 2. The i…. and o….. Devices are called p… 3. A modern plane carries many h…..e…….a… 4. Supercomputers are mostly used for h…..s……..t… 5. The floor-standing tower systems may serve l….a…n…
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What is a computer? 2. How long does the computer keep the information? 3. Are there different kinds of computers? 4. What can the general-purpose computer do? 5. What are the most important parts of a general-purpose computer? 6. Why is the weight so important? 7. Why can a computer replace a hundred clerks? 8. Where are supercomputers used? 9. What are multiple microprocessors starting to challenge?


Text 10В

Internet is a global computer network connecting governments, companies, universities, and many other networks and users. Electronic mail, conferencing, and chat services are all supported across the networks, as are the ability to access remote computers and send and retrieve files. By late 1994 it was estimated to have over 40 million users on 11000 networks in 70 countries, with an estimated 1 million users joining each month.

The technical underpinnings of the Internet were developed as a project funded by the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) to research how to build a network that would withstand bomb damage. The Internet itself began in 1984 with funding from the US National Science Foundation as a means to allow US universities to share the resources of five regional supercomputing centers. The number of users grew quickly, and in the early 1990s access became cheap enough for domestic users to have their own links on home personal computers. As the amount of information available via the Internet grew, indexing and search services such as Gopher, Archie, Veronica, and WAIS were created by Internet users to help both themselves and others. The newer World Wide Web allows seamless browsing across the Internet via Hypertext. In April 1995 Internet Shopping Network, an interactive shopping facility, went on line. In its first three months 36000 people subscribed. A very large proportion of personal computers regularly connect to the Internet to communicate and receive information. «Wireless» networking, often utilizing mobile phone networks, has meant networking is becoming increasingly ubiquitous even in mobile computing environments.

Завдання до тексту 10В.
Прочитайте текст і поставте до нього 5 спеціальних запитань.

Прочитайте діалог і вивчіть його напам’ять.


Hooking Up My Computer
Peter: Hi Jack. Can you give me a hand? I've just bought a new computer and I'm having some problems hooking everything up.
Jack:... and I'm a geek. Yeah, I know. I'd be happy to help. Have you installed the software yet?
Peter: No, I haven't. Do I need to?
Jack: Not always, but it's best to install drivers for your keyboard and mouse, as well as your printer.
Peter: Will the computer boot up without those?
Jack: Of course. Boot up the computer and then we can update the drives. Oh, that's a memory reader. You can insert things like SD cards from your camera and mp3 players into it.
Peter: That's handy.
Jack: Do you have a modem?
Peter: Yes, I do. I think I have a cable modem.
Jack: Hmmm... yes you do. Is the Ethernet cable plugged in?
Peter: What's that?
Jack: It's the cable that connects your modem to your computer.
Peter: Let's surf the internet!




Grammar:                                Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти.
Reading:                                  Marie Curie and the Discovery of  Radium
Alfred Nobel
Speaking:                                 Meeting a Businessman

Modals and their equivalents.
Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти.

Модальними називаються дієслова, які не означають дію, а виражають ставлення до неї (можливість та вірогідність дії чи її необхідність). Інфінітив смислового дієслова, що йде за модальним дієсловом, втрачає часткуto(за винятком модального дієсловаought).

Особливості модальних дієслів:вони не змінюються за особами та числами; питальна та заперечна форми речень з модальними дієсловами утворюються без допоміжних дієслів.

Значення та вживання.
Модальне дієслово mustвиражаєнаказ та заборону, сильну впевненість. Сильна впевненість, що стосується дій в минулому, виражається з вживанням перфектної форми смислового дієслова.
Example: І musthavethrownthisletteraway.

Модальне дієслово shallвикористовується длявираження сильної рішучості, для отримання інструкцій та уточнення подальших дій.
Example:Shall I help you?

Модальні дієслова shouldта ought (to) використовуються для вираження поради, рекомендації, докору, догани.
Example:You shouldnot do it.

В британському варіанті англійської мови need можевикорис­товуватися як модальне дієслово для вираження відсутності необхід­ності та дозволу не робити чогось.
Example:You needn't do it.

Модальне дієслово сап (форма минулого часу – could) служитьдлявираження вміння (спроможності) щось робити; вираження можливості, що залежить від обставин, дозволу, заборони, прохання (прохання, виражене за допомогою дієслова could, звучить більш ввічливо); вираження можливості чи вірогідності здійснення тієї чи іншої події у теперішньому або минулому (для вираження вірогідності події в минулому використовується перфектна форма дієслова).
Example:Can/Could it be (have been) him?    

Mодальнедієслово may (формаминулогочасуmightслужитьдлявираженнядозволу, проханнятазаборони; можливостіабовірогідностітієїчиіншоїподіївтеперішньомучиминулому (вцьомузначенні may/might єдужеблизькимидо can/could, причому might зберігаєзначеннятількивірогідності).
Example:Не may соmе. They might be free now.

Еквіваленти модальних дієслів.

Зворот to have (to) служить заміною модального дієслова must в минулому та майбутньому часах.
Example:They will have to deliver the equipment within 12 months.

Зворот to be able to служить заміною модального дієслова can в майбутньому часі та може вживатися замість нього у теперішньому таминулому часі.
Example:They will be able to return the debt in time.

Звороти to be allowed to, to be permitted to можуть служитизаміною модального дієслова mау.
Example:I won't be allowed to transfer the money.

Зворот to be to близький за значенням до модального дієслова must та служить для вираження необхідності, зумовленої домовленістю, розкладом чи планом; суворого наказу та заборони.
Example:Thetrain is to come at 5.30.

Exercise 1. Перекладіть українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на модальні    дієслова.
1. You must settle our problems with our neighbors.  2. You needn't send a telegram. I'll call them.  3. You should consult a lawyer. 4. You ought to introduce the changes gradually. 5. The things are to be packed in suit-cases. 6. You should be very careful with this equipment. 7. We must translate more.8. It might be a good market to buy products. 9. We can't let that one failure stop us from trying to write a new program. 10. I must be at the meeting by 10:00. I will probably have to take a taxi if I want to be on time.

Exercise2. Напишіть речення в Past і FutureSimple.
1. We must thank the custom officer for his help. 2 You must take some time off and get some rest. 3. They must tell him all about this case.   4. Accountants must widely use computers as well. 5. They can't see the accident. 6. With a burst of adrenaline, a person can pick up cars. 7. Computers can do calculations very fast. 8. I have some free time. I can help her now. 9. You may come on Sunday. 10. We may fix the date of the wedding. 11. The workers may discuss these problems with the management. 12. He may call on me tonight and take the catalogues.

Exercise3. Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1. Я не можу закінчити роботу сьогодні. 2. Чи можете ви перекласти цю статтю англійською мовою? 3. Їй cлід погодитися з їхніми умовами. 4. Вони змогли виконати всі завдання. 5. Він запитав мене, чи може він взяти мій словник. 6. Ви можете скористатися моїм телефоном. 7. Вам не варто заповнювати цю форму червоними чорнилaми. 8. Стаття була дуже важкою і йому довелося скористатися словником. 9. Він повинен був зробити доповідь на нашому семінарі.

Exercise 4. Перекладіть українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на форми еквівалентів модальних дієслів.
1. Some entertaiments had to be given up in order to obtain good education you need. 2. I can play basketball, but I'm not able to play today, I have hurt my arm. 3. If you want to get this job you must be able to speak two foreign languages. 4. I was able to stop my car in time before slamming into a truck. 5. That has to have been the right restaurant. There were no other restaurants on the street.

Exercise5. Доповніть речення відповідними модальними дієсловами.
1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He … be exhausted after such a long flight. 2. The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But we … read it if we don't want to. 3. Susan … hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly. 4. The television isn't working. It … damaged during the move. 5. Kate: … hold your breath for more than a minute? Jack: No, I can't. 6. You … be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven't got a penny to their name. 7. I've redone this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong according to the answer key. The answer in the book … be wrong!



Word and word-combinations

determine n визначати                      ordinary – звичайний
scarcely – ледве                                    enough – достатньо
steadily – безперервно                         pitchblende n – уранініт
though – хоча                                      property n – властивість
turn v– повернутися                           split v – розщепити
among – серед                                      so far as – наскільки
throughout – скрізь, усюди                powerful – потужний
discover v – відкривати                        proper – відповідний
research n – дослідження                    carry out v – виконувати
both – обидва                                       cause v – спричиняти
else – ще                                                ray n – промінь
close – близький                                   offer v – пропонувати
bankrupt – банкрот                             respect v – поважати
make a fortune – розбагатіти              generous – щедрий
cheerful – бадьорий                           
explosive n – вибухова речовина        avoid v – уникати
peacetime – мирний час                       search v – шукати                                                                                             
mining – гірнича справа                      make discovery – робити від-криття
injure v – поранити                                                                                                                                                              
fellowman – співгромадянин               publicity – публічність, гласність
deserve v – заслуговувати
take an interest in – проявляти           інтерес до
taste – смак
Fame, glory – слава
make money – заробляти гроші      inventive – винахідливий
forward looking – передовий
imaginative – наділений багатою уявою


Text 11A

Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radium

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on 7 November, 1867. Her father was a teacher of science and mathematics at a school in the town, and from him little Maria Sklodovska – which was her Polish name – learned her first lessons in science. Maria’s wish was to study at the Sorbonne in Paris, and after many years of waiting she finally left her native land in 1891. In Paris Maria began a course of hard study and simple living. She determined to work for two Master’s degrees – one in Physics, the other in Mathematics. Thus she had to work twice as hard as the ordinary student. Yet she had scarcely enough money to live on. She lived in the poorest quarter of Paris. Night after night, after her hard day’s work at the University, she got to her poorly furnished room and worked at her books steadily for hours. Sometimes she had no more than a bag of cherries. Though she was often weak and ill, she worked in this way for four years. She had chosen her course and nothing could turn her from it.

Among the many scientists Maria met and worked with in Paris was Pierre Curie. Pierre Curie, born in 1859 in Paris, was the son of a doctor, and from early childhood he had been fascinated by science. At sixteen he was a Bachelor of Science, and he took his Master’s degree in Physics when he was eighteen. When he met Maria Sklodovska he was thirty-five years old and was famous throughout Europe for his discoveries in magnetism. But in spite of the honour he had brought to France by his discoveries, French Government could only give him a very little salary as a reward, and the University of Paris refused him a laboratory of his own for his researches.

Pierre Curie and Maria Sklodovska, both of whom loved science more than anything else, very soon became the closest friends. They worked together constantly and discussed many problems of their researches. After little more than a year they fell in love with each other, and in 1895 Maria Sclodovska became Mme. Curie. Theirs was not only to be a very happy marriage but also one of the greatest scientific partnerships. Marie had been the greatest woman-scientist of her day but she was a mother too, a very loving one. There were their two little girls, Irene and Eve. By this time Mme. Curie had obtained her Master’s degree in Physics and Mathematics, and was busy with researches on steel. She now wished to obtain a Doctor’s degree. For this it was necessary to offer to the examiners a special study, called a thesis.

For some time Pierre Curie had been interested in the work of a French scientist named Becquerel. There is a rare metal called uranium which, as Becquerel discovered, emits rays very much like X-rays. These rays made marks on a photographic plate when it was wrapped in black paper. The Curies got interested in these rays of uranium. What caused them? How strong were they? There were many such questions that puzzled Marie Curie and her husband. Here, they decided, was the very subject for Marie’s Doctor’s thesis. The research was carried out under great difficulty. Mme. Curie had to use an old store-room at the University as her laboratory – she was refused a better room. It was cold; there was no proper apparatus and very little space for research work. Soon she discovered that the rays of uranium were like no other known rays. Marie Curie wanted to find out if other chemical substances might emit similar rays. So she began to examine every known chemical substance. Once after repeating her experiments time after time she found that a mineral called pitchblende emitted much more powerful rays than any she had already found.
Now, an element is a chemical substance which so far as is known cannot be split up into other substances. As Mme. Curie had examined every known chemical element and none of them had emitted such powerful rays as pitchblende she could only decide that this mineral must contain some new element.

Scientists call the property of giving out such rays «radioactivity», and Mme. Curie decided to call the new element «radium», because it was more strongly radioactive than any known metal. It is known now that Mme. Curie has given the real basis for the industrial methods of separating radium and other elements from the pitchblende and from other minerals. In 1903 Marie and Pierre together with Henry Becquerel were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1911 Marie received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. But the second prize went to her alone for in 1906 Pierre had died tragically in a traffic accident.

Mme. Sklodovska-Curie, the leading woman – scientist, the greatest woman of her generation, has become the first person to receive a Nobel Prize twice.

Завдання до тексту 11A.
Знайдіть відповідності.
1. To be fascinated by science; 2. Master’s degree; 3. to be famous for; 4. in spite of; 5. a salary; 6. by this time; 7. to be busy; 8. a rare metal; 9. X-rays; 10. to be wrapped; 11. had to use; 12. to be like; 13. time after time; 14. to emit; 15. none of them; 16. unknown; 17. own investigations; 18. Nobel Prize; 19. a traffic accident.
1. повинні були використовувати; 2. бути відомим; 3. жоден з них; 4. рідкісний метал; 5. невідомий; 6. незважаючи на; 7. бути зачарованим наукою; 8. дорожня пригода; 9. час від часу; 10. ступінь магістра; 11. бути загорнутим; 12. оклад; 13. власні дослідження; 14. до цього часу; 15. рентгенівські промені; 16. Нобелівська премія; 17. випромінювати; 18. бути зайнятим; 19. бути схожим.

Погодьтеся або заперечте та виправте нижченаведені речення, вживаючи подані нижче мовленнєві зразки.
Sure (Surely). I can’t help thinking the same. That’s the thing. Exactly so.Nothing wrong with that. Perfectly correct. No doubt (you are right).I agree in principle, but It’s not so, I’m afraid. I’m of different opinion. It’s a pity, I can’t agree (with you). That’s wrong. No,it’s vice versa. I doubt you are right. I’m not sure. I think it’s wrong.

1. Marie Curie was born in Paris on 7 September 1867. 2. Her father was a researcher and a teacher in physics. 3. She lived in the richest quarter of Warsaw. 4. Sometimes she ate more than a bag of plums. 5. Marie worked in Paris with Becquerel. 6. Pierre Curie was the son of a lawyer. 7. Pierre Curie took his Master’s degree when he was thirty-five years old. 8. Marie had two little daughters, Irene and Eve. 9. Becquerel discovered uranium, which emitted rays. 10. Mme. Curie used the new laboratory at the University for her research work. 11. Pierre Curie joined his wife in her effort to find more active unknown chemical element. 12. Radium is less radioactive than any known metal. 13. In 1904 Marie and Pierre together with Henry Becquerel were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. 14. In 1911 Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize in Mathematics.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. In what country was Marie Curie born? 2. Who was her first teacher in science? 3. How old was Marie when she left her native land? 4. In what country did she study when a student? 5. How did she work? 6. How old was Marie when she met Pierre Curie? 7. How many years was Pierre older? 8. What can you say about Pierre’s youth? What was he famous for? 10. What was Marie interested in? 11. What did Becquerel discover? 12. What was the subject for Marie’s Doctor’s thesis? 13. What did the scientists declare? 14. Why did Marie Curie call the new element «radium»? 15. How old was Pierre Curie when he tragically died? 16. How many children did the Curies have?



Text 11В

 Alfred Nobel

Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833 — 1896), Swedish inventor and philanthropist, was a man of many contrasts. He was a son of a bankrupt, but became a millionaire; and a scientist with a love of literature. He made a large fortune but lived a simple life. He was cheerful in company, but often sad in private. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or family to love him; a patriotic son of his native land, he died alone on foreign soil. He discovered a new explosive, dynamite, to improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building, but saw it used as a weapon of war to kill and injure his fellow men. World-famous for his works, he was never personally well-known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity. «I do not see,» he once said, «that I have deserved any fame and I have no taste for it», but since his death his name has brought fame and glory to others.

He was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833 but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father acquired a strong position in the engineering industry. He made a lot of money from his invention of the landmine (фугас), but later went bankrupt. Alfred went to Sweden in 1863, and started his own study of explosives in his father's laboratory. He had never been to school or University but he studied privately and by the time he was twenty he became a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English, like his father, Alfred Nobel was imaginative and inventive, but he had better luck in business and showed more financial sense. He was quick to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions and built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with those of a forward looking industrialist.

But Nobel's main concern was never with making money or even with making scientific discoveries. Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth he took a serious interest in literature and philosophy. Perhaps because he could not find ordinary human love, he never married but came to care deeply about the whole of mankind. He was always generous to the poor. His greatest wish, however, was to see an end to wars and peace between nations, and he spent much time and money working for this cause until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, psychology, medicine, literature and peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals. And so the man who felt he should have died at birth is remembered and respected long after his death.



Прочитайте діалог і вивчіть його на память.               

Meeting a Businessman

It’s the 21st of October. 10 o’clock in the morning. Mr. Blake has come to the Trade Office.
Blake: Good morning! My name’s Blake. I’m from Blake and Company. I’ve got an appointment with Mr. Smith at 10.15.
Receptionist: Good morning, Mr. Blake. Mr. Smith is expecting you. Will you take a seat, please?
Blake: Thank you. I’m a bit early, actually.
Receptionist: That’s all right, Mr. Blake.
Mr. Smith: Oh, Mr. Blake, it’s nice to see you here. How are you?
Mr. Blake: Fine, thanks! And you?
Mr. Smith: Pretty well too, thank you. This way, please.
Mr. Smith: Would you like a cup of coffee?
Mr. Blake: Yes, please. It’s very cold and wet outside today.
Mr. Smith: Yes, the weather hasn’t been very good lately.
Mr. Blake: That’s right, but it’s usually warm here in October. Now, Mr. Smith, how about our quotation and catalogues? Have you looked through them?
Mr. Smith: Sure! We’ve studied them closely. The new device is certainly good.
Mr. Blake: Yes, it’s of high quality. We’ve just starting producing the device and we’ve already received a lot of orders.
Mr. Smith: Your devices meet our requirements and we are interested in buying them. Mr. Blake, have you seen our contract form? Would you like to look through it?
Mr. Blake: I certainly would.




Grammar:                                    Перфектно-тривалі часи
Reading:                                      Advertising
Mass Media in Our Life
Speaking:                                    Hitch your wagon to a star

Perfect Continuous Tenses
Перфектно-тривалі часи
Present Perfect Continuous утворюється за допомогою have/has been + Ving.


Заперечувальна форма

Питальна форма

I have


been working

I have not


been working

Have I


been working ?


You have

have not

Have  you

She has

has not


They have

They have not

Have                We

Ця форма інколи називається  Present Perfect Progressive.
Скорочення: 've = have haven't = have not's = has        hasn 't = has not
Present Perfect Continuous вживається для вираження дії, щопочалася в минулому та продовжується до теперішнього моменту.
В реченнях з
Present Perfect Continuousзавжди зв'язок між теперішнім та минулим.
Example: She has been waiting for an hour.
Present Perfect Continuous також вживається, коли дія відбувалася до недавнього минулого, особливо коли ця дія має результат в теперішньому.

Example: It's been snowing. (Зараз сніг не йде, але він лежить на землі).     
Present Perfect Continuous можна вживати для вираження повторю­ваних дій чи ситуацій, що відбувалися протягом певного періоду (або недавнього минулого).
Example:  I've been having driving lessons for six months

Present Perfect Continuous
She's been doing her home work.               
(Можливо, вона виконала  домашнє завдання, а можливо ─ ні)
Дія може бути завершеноюабо може бути незавершеною.
Present Perfect Simple
She'sdoneherhomework.(Вона виконаладомашнє завдання.)
Дія вже завершилася.

PresentPerfectContinuousвживається для вираження дії протягом якогось періоду часу, PresentPerfectSimpleвживається для вираження того, що було досягнуто за певний проміжок часу.
Example:I've been walking all morning.I've walked six kilometers so far this morning.

Present Perfect Simple вживається в ситуаціях, що тривають короткий проміжок часу,PresentPerfectContinuous вживається  в  більш тривалих ситуаціях.                           
Example:He'salwayslivedthere. Не's been living there for just afewweeks. 

Коли мова йде про минулий час, ми інколи звертаємося до більш раннього часу. PastPerfectContinuousвживається для вираження дії, що відбувалася протягом певного часу в минулому.
Example: I'd been walking for about half an hour when it suddenly started to rain.

Exercise 1. Перекладіть речення в PresentPerfectContinuous українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на те, що присудок перекладається теперішнім часом.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Banks have been having a lot of problems in their apartment recently. 2. For several weeks the bedroom ceiling has been leaking, the refrigerator hasn't been working and the paint in the hallway has been peeling. 3. In addition, they have been taking cold showers since last week because the hot water heater hasn't been working and they haven't been sleeping at night because the radiators have been making strange noises. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Banks are furious. They have been calling their landlord every day and complaining about their problems. 5. He has been promising to help them but they have been waiting for more than a week and he still hasn't fixed anything at all.

Exercise2. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous.
1. I'm sorry I left without you last night, but I told you to meet me early because the show started at 8:00. I (try) to get tickets for that play for months, and I didn't want to miss it. By the time I finally left the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet, I (have) five cups of coffee and I (wait) over an hour. I had to leave because I (arrange) to meet Katia in front of the theater. 2.When I arrived at the theater, Katia (pick, already) up the tickets and she was waiting for us near the entrance. She was really angry because she (wait) for more than half an hour. She said she (give, almost) up and (go) into the theater without us.

Exercise3. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в PresentPerfect/Past  Perfect,  Present  Perfect  Continuous/Past  PerfectContinuous.
1. It is already 9:30 pm and I (wait) here for over an hour. If Serhii does not get here in the next five minutes, I am going to leave. 2. I was really angry at Mykhailo yesterday. By the time he finally arrived, I (wait) for over an hour. I almost left without him. 3. Did you hear that Borys was fired last month? He (work) for that import company for more than ten years and he (work) in almost every department. Nobody knew the company like he did. 4. I (see) many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of the monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small. 5. Svitlana (climb) the Matterhorn, (sail) around the world, and (go) on safari in Kenya. She is such an adventurous person.

Exercise4. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Future Perfect/Future Perfect Continuous.
1. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we (drive) more than four hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted. 2. When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she (study) German for over two years. She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria. 3. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the United States. 4. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you (master) all twelve tenses including their passive forms. 5. In June, my grandmother and grandfather (be) married for fifty years. 6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Ukraine, I (study) for nine months and I (be) in England for exactly one year.

Exercise5. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова вPresent Perfect/Present  Perfect  Continuous.
Hi Sam,
How are things? I ... (not/hear) from  you  in  a while. What ... (you/be) up to these past  few  weeks? ... (you/finish)  your  exams yet? Mine start next week and  I' m already nervous. Even though I ... (study)  pretty hard since May, it still feels like I have a lot to learn. Oh! Guess what! I ... (change)  my  mind about getting a job when I leave  school. I ... (decide) that I want to go to university and study radio electronics instead. Everyone's really surprised,  but  I ... (think) about it  for a while. As  you know, I ... (work) as a volunteer at the TV broadcasting center for the past two years and I ... (realise) that  working with radio electronics is what I want to do in my  life. What about  you? ... (you/ think) any more about coming to visit me in August?

Exercise6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова вPast Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous.
1. A: Why didn't you have some dessert?
B: I ... (eat)  too much already.
2. A: How long ... (you/live)  in  Brazil before you moved here?
B: About  10  years.
3. A: Did you watch the comedy on Channel  4 yesterday?
B: No. It ... (finish) by the time I got home.
4. A: Was she there when you arrived?
B: No, she ... (already/leave).
5. A: Why was Brad so exhausted last night?
B: He ... (work) since 9 o'clock  in  the morning.
6. A: What did he think of the photo exhibition?
B: He loved it. He said he ... (never/see)  such beautiful photos before. 

Exercise7. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Future Continuous/ Future Perfect Continuous.
1. Simona: Margaret is really going to speak Spanish well when she gets back from that language school in Mexico?
Isabelle: Hopefully! She (take) classes for more than six months.
Simona: She is going to be able to speak Spanish with some of our Latin American clients.
Isabelle: Good. Two clients from Peru (visit) us next month when Margaret returns. We need someone to entertain them while they are here.
2. Jason: I am leaving!
Nurse: If you would please wait, the doctor will be with you in ten minutes. The
doctor is having some problems with a patient.
Jason: The doctor was having problems with that patient an hour ago. If I wait another ten minutes, I am sure he (have, still) problems with her. By the time he's finally ready to see me, I (wait) for more than two hours.



Word and word-combinations

advertising n реклама                     аdvertisements – рекламні оголошення
headline заголовок                       hire v – найняти
point out v – вказувати                     sample n – зразок
feature n – особливість                    survey n – опитування
broadcast трансляція
technique технічний метод        jingle – дзвін
misleading – оманливий
violence – насильство
made up v складати                       related to пов'язані                       
leaflet n буклет                              byasser – перехожий                                 
carry out v – виконувати                  ray n – промінь
accurate  – точний
prime – головний                                reliable  – надійний
crime – злочин                                    available – банкрот
media – засоби масової інформації


Text 12A


Advertising is also used to change people's ideas. For example, an ad (advertisement) could try to make voters choose a certain candidate for president. Ads appear almost everywhere you look. You find them on the radio and on TV, in magazines, shop windows and on T-shirts. They show up inside elevators, on school buses and even in schools. About 600 billion dollars are spent on advertising around the world every year. Advertising does two main jobs. It tells people about something, like a product or a service and it also works to make people want to buy the product or service. Ads (advertisements) do their jobs in many different ways. Many printed ads have headlines or boldly printed words that make people stop and read them. The headline may promise something that the reader wants, like a good price. Other headlines may carry the announcement of a new product.

Some ads use slogans that are used over and over again. They are easy to remember and often use a catchy phrase. Sometimes slogans are not related to the product. In many ads a famous person talks about a product and tells why they use it. This person may be an actor, a model or a well-known athlete. Or they may just be an average user of a product. Ads also compare a product with another one of the same type. The ad points out why a product is better. Some ads feature cartoon or product characters. They may appear in an ad over a long time. The characters become well known and people identify them with a product. Repetition is one of the most basic techniques used in the advertising business. Advertisers broadcast their commercials several times a day for days or weeks to get the message across. When people see an ad more often they may be more likely to accept the message and want the product.

Advertising gets to people through different forms of communication. Newspapers, magazines and direct mail belong to print media. TV, radio and the Internet are among the most important electronic media. Almost half of a newspaper is made up of ads. Local papers have ads of local companies, but nationwide newspapers also advertise products that are sold all over the country. Most papers are published daily so new ads, like products on sale or movie openings can be placed every day. Newspapers sell advertising space in all sections of their paper. In most cases ads of products will be put in the section they are related to.

Magazines mostly appear all over the country and are used by national advertisers. In contrast to newspapers they are read when people have more time. They are kept for a few weeks or even months. Better printing quality and colour ads are among the advantages of magazines. Many special magazines are made for groups of people. The ads that appear there are especially for these groups. A computer magazine, for instance, may have many ads related to computers, printers or scanners.

Direct mail consists of leaflets, brochures, catalogs or letters, that are mailed directly to people. Mail-order companies profit from this kind of advertising. Some mailing lists send information to all the people others only have special lists according to the jobs that people have or their age or income. Direct mail costs a lot of money, but advertising companies can be sure that they will reach the people. Local advertisers place about 70 per cent of advertising on the radio. An advantage of radio is that people listen to programs while doing other things. In some cases radios are on the whole day. Commercials last about 30 seconds. Radio stations are more specialized in what they broadcast. One radio station offers pop music and has a younger listening audience; the other may broadcast classical music with older listeners. The ads can be chosen according to the group of people who listen.
Large colourful outdoor signs can easily catch the attention of by-passers. But these ads must be short and simple because viewers see them only for a few seconds. The main signs are posters, billboards and electronic displays. Billboards are owned by local companies that rent them to advertisers. Sometimes ads are painted on buildings. Electronic billboards have large displays where ads change very quickly. They are the most expensive kind of outdoor signs.

Television combines sound and moving images. It is one of the most expensive forms of advertising, but on the other hand it reaches a very wide audience. Advertisers buy time from TV stations to broadcast their commercials. This time is cheaper at times when fewer people watch TV, as in the early morning hours and gets very expensive during prime time evening shows. Sometimes advertisers pay a lot of money to get their ads on TV during special programmes like the Olympic Games. Infomercials have become very popular in the last few years. They are normal TV shows that focus on the sales of certain products. Details on how to buy the product (telephone numbers etc.) are repeated many times during the programme.

Internet advertising is becoming more and more important. Especially young people spend less time watching TV and more time on the Internet. The Internet has the advantage of being available to people around the world at all times. Companies that spend a lot of money on advertising often create their own Internet site for a certain product. Web users are often asked to fill out a form that asks them about their daily routines, where they live, how old they are, how much they earn etc. Companies use this information to find out what kind of people visit their websites. Sometimes ads are sent via email. Because a lot of unwanted emails (spam) are sent throughout the world many people don't like this.
Most companies hire special advertising firms that specialize in making ads. The first step in making ads is to learn about the product and understand who uses it. Information is gathered from customers. Market research takes a look at the customers' buying habits and conduct sample surveys. Researchers also try to find out how customers rate various brands of products. People in the creative department develop ideas and themes. They prepare photos or images if an ad is to appear in newspapers or magazines as well as jingles and slogans if it appears on radio or TV. When the ad is ready it goes to the media organization where it is run. Governments have made laws that protect consumers from misleading advertising. There are also laws that ban certain kinds of advertising. Tobacco advertising, for example, is not allowed on TV in the USA and in many European countries. Some rules are directed at children's ads where the use of violence or dangerous activity is often not allowed.


Завдання до тексту 12А.

Прочитайте текст і поставте до нього 5 спеціальних, 5 загальних, 5 розділових та 5 альтернативних запитань.

Знайдіть додаткову інформацію і зробіть презентацію «Advertising: Pros and Cons».


Text 12В

Mass Media in Our Life

Mass media play a very important role in our everyday life. They serve to inform people of different events that take place or may happen. They also entertain people or even help to make their lives better. But the most important thing that newspapers, radio or TV bring to people is information. Complete and accurate information is very important to get nowadays. Those TV and radio programmes and newspapers that provide reliable information are always very popular. Sensational events such as crimes, natural disasters or unusual events are also of great interest. That is why many newspapers and TV programmes combine them with serious information. Usually daily mass media carry some international, state and local news. They also contain some other topics like health care, arts and so on. A lot of newspapers have advice columns, review of books, comics, crossword puzzles, etc. Most of them have different pictures, photographs and illustrations. Advertising is also paid much attention to in mass media. It helps people to get oriented in variety of firms and shops that offer their goods and services. All in all, mass media help us to form our opinion on different events, provide us with the information of what takes place in society, and are also means of entertainment.

Mass Media in the English-Speaking Countries
In the morning before work and in the evening when they come home, people in the English-speaking countries like to read newspapers and magazines, watch TV or listen to the radio. The newspapers, which are produced in Great Britain, the USA and other English-speaking countries, are divided into national and local. The national newspapers are those, which are sold all over the country, «The Times», «The Guardian», «The Independent», «The Daily Telegraph» and «The Financial Times» in Great Britain and «The Wall Street Journal», «The New York Times», «The Washington Post» and «The Christian Science Monitor» in the USA.

There are two main types of national newspapers – the «popular» papers and the «quality» papers. Most of the popular papers are tabloids – that is the papers with small size pages. The tabloids place a lot of pictures, big headlines and short articles. The popular newspapers are easy to read and often contain little real information – they usually have stories about ordinary people and events, which are amusing or odd. Examples of this type of newspapers in Great Britain are «The Daily Mail», «The Sun» and «The Daily Mirror». «Quality» papers give more reading material about politics and foreign affairs, their articles are bigger in size and have much news. They have different pages for home news, foreign affairs, articles on literature, business, fashion and so on. Besides newspapers, a lot of different magazines and scientific journals are printed in the English-speaking countries, too. Editorial offices of most London newspapers are situated in Fleet Street near the City.

Like in any other country of the world, television is very popular in the USA and Great Britain. The most popular channels on the British TV are BBC 1, BBC, ITV and Channel. The two BBC channels are national – they are founded by the government but are nonpolitical. On BBC Channels the televiewers can watch news, TV sport programmes, educational programmes, interviews with prominent people, musical programmes and many other items. Out of the 1,500 TV stations in the USA about 1,200 are commercial ones. Сommercial TV stations broadcast mainly entertainment programmes because they must attract as many televiewers as possible in order to sell advertising time at high prices. About 300 are public TV stations, which are nonprofit organizations. The public TV broadcasts mainly educational and cultural programmes – plays, ballets, symphonies, programmes on art and history. And yet, sometimes, the television in Britain and the USA is criticised, because people think that it shows too much violence and crime.


Завдання до тексту 12B.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Why do mass media play a very important role in our everyday life? 2. How do we get any information? What brings it to us? 3. What TV programs do you like to watch? 4. What do daily mass media carry to us? 5. Does mass media help us to form our opinion on different events, information? 6. What types of newspapers are produced in the English-speaking countries? 7. What are tabloids? 8. What are «quality» papers? 9. What are the most popular channels on the British TV? 10. Why is the television in Britain and the USA criticized?


Прочитайте діалог і перекажіть його.

Mary: Betty, quickly, turn on the TV, please! The Galileo orbiter was broadcasted to have reached Jupiter.   
Betty:  Wow! When did you hear that?

M: Just a few minutes ago. The shuttle Atlantis was reported to have been launched in 2009. It carried the orbiter Galileo for a five-year flight.
B: And? What else did they say?      
M: Unfortunately, I only heard that bit because I turned on the radio at the end of the news.    
B: The subject will surely be covered on TV soon. We should wait a little. Meanwhile we can look through the newspapers. We get a lot of them.       
M:  But there are few papers in the hall.     
B: Oh, Dave took them, most likely. Dave! Are you reading the papers now?
Dave:  Yes, Betty, we are in Dad's study with Nick. He is watching TV. Join us if you want.  
B:  You see Mary, all the family watches TV separately in their own rooms. In the US, there are a lot of TV programmes and a thousand stations in the 50 states. So choices in the family seldom coincide.  
D:  That's true, Mary, we often argued on what programme to watch, as mother likes serials, father prefers news and serious discussion programmes. Betty would choose musicals and comedies, the twins – cartoons, whereas I like sport programmes.     
N: Same here. But I find detective series difficult to resist, too. And I hate it when advertisements interrupt them. Breaks like those get on my nerves.   
D: Oh yes, but you can't avoid them. Nearly all TV in this country is commercial. Though there is one channel run by the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) where there are no commercial breaks.       
M: Could we watch the news now? Which channels are likely to broadcast news?
B: NEC (the National Broadcasting Company), CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) and ABC (the American Broadcasting Corporation). They are the major companies.  
D: Yes, we live in a thick informational broth. American journalists seem to have made the news a necessary part of people's life. If there weren't papers and TV, we would become dumb and would have nothing to talk about with the pals, I guess.    
N: From the point of view of papers there is nothing else in the world but sensations. How many sensations can someone's head deal with? About 5 are all it can take. Nevertheless, we readily allow ourselves to be idiotic time and time again. 
B:  «Much ado about nothing,» Shakespeare would have called it.    
M:  I’m sorry, boys, I wanted to know whether there was any news about space research. I didn't catch much about it on the radio.
N:  Hush! Here are the NBC news at last.   
M:  That's what I have been waiting to hear!



Grammar:                                   Passive Voice. Simple, Continuous, Perfect
Reading:                                     Life of Ukrainian Youth
Taras Shevchenko is a Great Ukrainian Poet
Speaking:                                    My Testament


The Passive Voice
Пасивний стан дієслова

В англійській мові дієслова вживаються в активному стані (the Active Voice) і пасивному (the Passive Voice). Якщо підметом речення є суб'єкт дії, то дієслово-присудок вживається в активному стані.
Example: My brother wrote this letter yesterday.

Якщо підметом речення є об'єкт дії, то дієслово-присудок вживається в пасивному стані.
Example: This letter was written yesterday. 

Усі часові форми пасивного стану в англійській мові утворюються з відповідних часів допоміжного дієслова to be та дієприкметника минулого часу основного дієслова.
а)  Present  (Past,  Future)  Simple  Passive  утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be в Present (Past, Future) Simple та діє прикметника минулого часу (Past Participle) основного дієслова.
Example: I am examined. We (you, they) were examined.
б)  Present (Past) Continuous Passive утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be в Present (Past) Continuous та дієприкметника минулого часу основного дієслова. Future Continuous в пасивному стані не вживається.
Example: I am being examined. We (you, they) were being examined.
в)  Present (Past, Future) Perfect Passive утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be в Present (Past, Future) Perfect та дієприкметника минулого часу основного дієслова.
Example: I (we, you, they) have been examined. I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will have been examined.
г) Future Simple-in-the-Past Passive і Future Perfect-in-the-Past Passive утворюються так само, як і Future Simple Passive та Future Perfect Passive, але замість допоміжного дієслова will вживається відповідноwould.
Example: I (he, she, it, we, you, they) would be examined.

Часові форми групи Perfect Continuous у пасивному стані не вживаються. Отже, в пасивному станівживаються чотири часові форми групи Simple, дві часові форми групи Continuous та чотири часові форми групи Perfect, які можна подати у вигляді таблиці (наводиться лише третя особа однини з займенником it, що можеозначати a letter, a book, a novel, a poem).












It is written

It was

It will be

It would be



It is being

It was being








It has been


It had been


It will have
been written

It would have
been written


Часові форми пасивного стану вживаються за тими самими правилами, що й відповідні часи активного стану (див. вживання часів активного стану).

Exercise 1.  Визначте час та стан дієслова-присудка.
1. The books were taken from the central library. 2. An interesting problem was discussed at the lecture. 3. The newspapers are usually brought in the morning. 4. When was Vinnytsia National Technical University founded? 5. All the work will be done by automatic machinery. 6. The experiments will be completed by the end of the week. 7. He was asked many questions at the exam.

Exercise2. Утворіть питання до всіх членів речення.
1. The students are asked many questions at the lessons. 2. She is often visited by her friends. 3. The students of our group will be shown a new film tomorrow. 4. Your letter was answered yesterday.

Exercise3. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present, Past або Future Simple Passive.
1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 4. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 5. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 6. This work (to do) tomorrow. 7. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 8. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 9. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 10. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 11. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.

Exercise4. Перетворіть наведені нижче речення у Passive Voice.
1. A marble pavilion protects the house. 2. The boys will paint the roof of the house. 3. Her daughters gave her three dishes as a birthday present. 4. Our mother tells us stories every evening. 5. A boy showed her the way. 6. They will send us a box of fruit. 7. Five or six small children followed them. 8. We will do the translation in the evening.

Exercise5. Перекладіть наведені нижче речення.
1. In this lesson special attention is paid to the translation of passive constructions. 2. I am often helped by my brother. 3. The letter will be answered at once. 4. If I’m not mistaken this book is often referred to. 5. The secretary was sent for. 6. The house wasn’t lived in. 7. The bed isn’t slept in. 8. The new grammar rule will be asked at the next lesson. 9. English is spoken in many countries. 10. The children of Sparta were given a military education.

Exercise 6. Визначте час та стан дієслова-присудка. Перекладіть наведені нижче речення.
1. When my grandfather came to Baku in 1962 the first metro line was being built. 2. What questions are being discussed now? 3. They are organizing this kind of work at their laboratory. 4. He was being told the news when I entered the room. 5. I can’t understand what he is saying. 6. Professor N. was being listened to with great attention. 7. Who is being examined now? 8. I don’t know what books he is reading. 9. The experiments were still being made in some laboratories when the new term began. 10. Can you tell me, who is sitting next to you?

Exercise7. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Continuous Active або Passive.
1. They (to study) the subject when I joined them. 2. According to the information we have the plan (to carry out) successfully. 3. The last messages (to type) now. 4. … the negotiations still (to conduct)? According to the press they (to come) to an end. 5. If you want to have this book go to the shop at once. It (to sell) there now. 6. What (to happen) in the library now? New books (to discuss). 7. The teacher told that the students were not attentive when the rule (to explain). 8. All necessary information (to store) in the computer. 9. The problem of the future of human civilization on the Earth (research) steadily by the scientists throughout the world.

Exercise8. Визначте час та стан дієслова-присудка. Утворіть заперечну форму від наведених нижче речень.
1. The temperature has been maintained at the point of  20 degrees since the beginning of the experiment. 2. The new apparatus had already been installed when the delegation arrived. 3. He has been interested in history since his childhood. 4. The explanation of these strange facts hasn’t been received by the evening. 5. From his early childhood Pierre Curie had been fascinated by science. 6. Dinner will have been cooked by the time you return. 7. The bed had not been lain on.

Exercise9. Перекладіть наведені нижче речення.
1. English is spoken in Great Britain, USA and throughout the world. 2. The article was being translated when somebody knocked at the door. 3. This rule is usually taken no notice of. 4. The newspaper has been looked for every where but in vain. It has not been found. 5. He was offered an interesting book to read. 6. These books were being read when I came in. 7. He will be given any assistance in this work. 8. The book had been promised to me before it appeared on sale. 9. It’s the achievement which will be much spoken about. 10. The flat had not been moved into before you arrived. 11. He was offered a cup of tea.

Exercise 10. Перетворіть наведені нижче речення у Passive Voice, змінюючи додаток на підмет.
1. They showed us some new devices. 2. They gave him a week to complete the experiment. 3. He told me the news yesterday. 4. They taught her English at school. 5. They pay them twice a month. 6. He told me some new facts about his investigation. 7. She gave me no time to think about it. 8. He promised me the book a long time ago. 9. The supervisor helps the graduate student in many ways.

Exercise 11. Перетворіть подані нижче речення у PassiveVoice.
1. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it. 2. Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice. 3. Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit. 4. We use this room only on special occasions. 5. You must not hammer nails into the walls without permission. 6. Someone switched on a light and opened the door. 7. Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife. 8. They are pulling down the old theatre. 9. Why didn’t they mend the roof before it fell in? 10. The librarian said that they were starting a new system because people were not returning books. 11. The police asked each of us about his movements on the night of the crime.

Exercise 12. Перетворіть речення у Passive Voice, змінюючи суб’єкт дії.
1. They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day. 2. Who wrote it? 3. Children couldn’t
have done all this damage. 4. He expected us to offer him the job. 5. They showed her the easiest way to do it. 6. Lightning struck the old oak. 7. An uneasy silence succeeded the shot. 8. The lawyer gave him his uncle’s will. 9. Most people opposed this. 10. Students are doing a lot of the work.



Word and word-combinations

establishment n – заклад                    вring out v – висловити
pay attention to – звертати увагу на       investigation – дослідження
surround v – оточити                         extermination – винищення
to be engaged in – займатися                 stage v – інсценувати
peoples poet народний поет
orphan сирота                                     manor – садиба
shepherd – пастух                                  close – близький
the caucasus – кавказ                          glorifyv уславлювати
exile посилання                                   masterpiece шедевр


Text 13A

Life of Ukrainian Youth

Nowadays when our independent Ukraine is developing much attention is paid to our youth. The desire of our young people to become qualified specialists in future motivates them to enter higher educational establishments. For young people higher education is the method of developing their talents and  abilities, their creative potential. That is why beside their studies they are also engaged in different clubs and organizations. Almost every educational establishment has its own team of «joyful and smart» (KVV). This game is rather popular among young people and it helps them to bring out their brightest talents and to create team spirit. Young people learn to work together, to share the moments of luck and failure.

Besides studies young people are also engaged in scientific and research work. One may say that nowadays this sphere is not paid too much attention to. This is true but still there exist «Young Scientists' Councils» where young people can discuss or present their scientific investigations. There is also exists the Ukrainian branch of young organization Greenpeace in Ukraine. People learn to love their land and the  world that surrounds them. This organization protests against environmental pollution, against extermination of all animals, not only rare species.

Some young people work in their church organizations – they help elderly people, reconstruct our historical monuments and monasteries. This work brings them closer to our history, teaches them to love their country and respect its past. A lot of young people go in for sports, that is why educational establishments have sport clubs and teams. Our young people are especially interest­ed in football, basketball, hockey, etc. There also exists a great variety of different clubs in this country. They are theatre clubs, where young people stage different literary works, clubs «What? Where? When?», where they can enlarge their knowledge in different fields of science and life, and so on.

Future belongs to the young, that is why the political life of this country is important to them. Many young people are engaged in political parties and organizations.

Завдання до тексту 13A.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What Youth organizations in Ukraine do you know? 2. What are their main aims? 3. What is the way of spending free time by youth in Ukraine? 4. What kinds of sports do young people go in for in Ukraine? 5. What organizations give young people a chance to develop and enlarge their interests and to gain experience in working with others?

Give the synonyms and  the antonyms to the following words:
Nowadays, independent, young people, abilities, creative, team, popular, bring out,  to share, luck, much, to protest, rare, to construct, different, to enlarge, important.


Text 13B

Taras Shevchenko is a Great Ukrainian Poet

He is the founder of the modern Ukrainian literary language. Shevchenko was born in the family of a serf in the village of Moryntsi in 1814. Young Taras became an orphan very early. He was a shepherd, a labourer to a priest and, when he was fourteen, his master took him into the manor house as a boyservant – «kozachok». In 1829 Shevchenko’s master moved to Vilno and then to St Petersburg. He took his boyservant with him, too. Still in his early childhood Shevchenko was very fond of drawing and his master decided to make a serf painter of him. The boy was so talented that several Russian artists decided to free him from slavery. Karl Brulov painted a portrait of Vasilii Zhukovskii and sold it for 2 500 roubles. With this money they bought out Shevchenko from his master. Later on the young painter continued his studies at the Petersburg Academy of Arts. In 1840 he published his first book of poems which he named «Kobzar». His first poetical works are mainly examples of romanticism. The subject of many poems was unhappy love. He also wrote several poems about historical past of Ukraine. In these works he glorified the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people against their oppressors and their fight for national liberation (the long poem «Haidamaky»).

In 1843 Shevchenko returned to Ukraine. In 1846 Shevchenko joined a revolutionary organization – Kyryl and Mephodii Society, which aimed to liberate the serfs. He wrote several revolutionary poems directed against the tsarist despotism («Dream», 1844, «The Caucasus», 1845, and his famous «Testament»). In 1847 he was arrested and exiled as a soldier to Orsk fortress in Kazakhstan. Here, being a soldier, he wrote several novels in Russian. He also painted several of his best pictures.

In 1857 Shevchenko returned from the exile to St Petersburg. Here he published several of his masterpieces in which he criticised the tsarist regime and demanded liberty for serfs. In 1859, when Shevchenko went to Ukraine, he was arrested and forced to return to St Petersburg – the tsarist government was afraid of the elderly poet. On the 10th of March, Shevchenko died. His death was a great loss for Ukrainian literature and liberation movement – A. Gertsen published a big article on Shevchenko’s death in his magazine «Kolokol» in London. Shevchenko is the favourite author of millions of Ukrainians, a real people’s poet. His works are translated into many languages.

Завдання до тексту 1.
Прочитайте текст, перекажіть його і поставте до нього 5 спеціальних, 5 загальних, 5 розділових та 5 альтернативних запитань.
Знайдіть додаткову інформацію і зробіть презентацію «Who is Taras Shevchenko?». Speaking
Прочитайте «Заповіт» Т. Г. Шевченка і вивчіть його напам’ять.  

My Testament

When I am dead, bury me
In my beloved Ukraine,
My tomb upon a grave mound high
Amid the spreading plain,
So that the fields, the boundless steppes,
The Dnieper's plunging shore
My eyes could see, my ears could hear
The mighty river roar.
When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears
Into the deep blue sea
The blood of foes … then will I leave
These hills and fertile fields —
I'll leave them all and fly away
To the abode of God,
And then I'll pray …. But till that day
I nothing know of God.
Oh bury me, then rise ye up
And break your heavy chains
And water with the tyrants' blood
The freedom you have gained.
And in the great new family,
The family of the free,
With softly spoken, kindly word
Remember also me.



Grammar:                                     Sequence of Tenses
Reading:                                       Online World Adds a New Dimension
Promoting a World Wide Web Site
Speaking:                                      Making a webpage


Sequence of Tenses

Узгодження часів

Якщо в складнопідрядних реченнях з додатковими підрядними дієслово-присудок головного речення стоїть в одному з теперішніх або майбутніх часів, то вживання часів в підрядному реченні не відрізняється від вживання їх в українській мові.Якщо дієслово-присудок головного речення стоїть в минулому часі, то застосовуються правила узгодження часів.

Для   вираження  дії,   одночасної  з  дією   головного   речення,вживається PastSimple.
Example: Не didn’tknow that I was a manager.

Для  вираження  дії,   що  відбудеться   після  дії  в   головному реченні, вживається час Future-in-thePast(майбутній в минулому). Цей час утворюється за допомогою допоміжних дієслів would/should.
Example: Не didn't know when his friend would be free.

Для вираження дії, що відбулася раніше за дію в головномуреченні, вживається Past Perfect Tense.
Example: Не said that he had come in time but nobody was in the office.

Якщо у непрямій мові описується ряд послідовних дій, і в головному реченні дієслово стоїть в минулому часі, то перша дія виража­ється у Past Perfect, а наступні ─ у Past Simple.
Example: Nick said he had come to the States where he started his company.

Reported Speech
Пряма та непряма мова
При переведенні речень з прямої мови в непряму вживаються дієслова ask, say, tell. Якщо дієслово в головному реченні стоїть у минулому часі, застосовуються правила узгодження часів, а також відбувається заміна прикметників та займенників:
here                                                     there
now замінюється на then
yesterday                                             the day before
today                                                    that day
tomorrow                                             the next (following) day
ago                                                      before/earlier
last week (month, year) I                 the week (month, year) before

При переведенні стверджувальних речень в непряму мову можна вживати сполучник that.
Example: Tom said , «I sent the letter yesterday». Tom said (that) he had sent he letter the day before.

При переведенні у непряму мову загальних питань вживаютьсясполучники whetherчи if. В спеціальних запитаннях як сполучникивживаються  питальнізайменники.Взапитанняхунепряміймовізберігаєтьсяпрямийпорядокслів.
Example: Victor asked me if I had sent the letter.

Прохання та накази вводяться в непряму мову дієсловами ask, order, tellта передаються за допомогою інфінітиву смислового діє­слова та займенника чи іменника, які визначаються з контексту.

Exercise 1. Утворіть речення за зразком.
Model: She knew that he was busy (to share a room, be clever, to give a lecture, to work, to disappear, to choose).
Model: Не said that he had repeated the speech word for word (to arrive at a decision, to come back, to gather, to spend, to laugh, to take).
Model: The Director said they would choose the candidate after the lecture (to go on with, to work at, to take out of the pocket, to review grammar).

Exercise 2.Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у потрібномучасі.
1. I thought that you (to arrive) at some decision. 2. We did not remember that he (to repeat) that speech from memory. 3. He believed that a fine memory (to be) absolutely necessary for that position. 4. I did not know if you (to apply) for this job. 5. They said they (to work) 7 hours a day. 6. He promised that he (to give) a lecture in near future.

Exercise 3. Запишіть речення, узгоджуючи часи дієслів.
1. If I … (to be free) tomorrow night, I … (to go) to the concert. 2. He says he … (to look in) to see us before he … (to leave) our town. 3. Jane … (to stay) at home until she … (to feel) better. 4. When … you … (to visit) your grandma? – Probably next year. 5. When my brother … (to finish) school he ... (to go) to college. 6. I … (to tell) you as soon as I … (to know). 7. I’d like to know when Dan … (to be back). 8. Give my love to Laura if you … (to see) her. 9. I … (not to know) when she … (to take) her exam. 10. I don’t think we … (to finish) our work in time unless you … (to help) us. 11. I … (to give) you my bike for tomorrow providing you … (to bring) it back the day after tomorrow.

Exercise 4. Запишіть речення, узгоджуючи часи дієслів.
1. Close the window when it … (rain). 2. If you … (come) home late you … (not be) able to watch that program over TV. 3. Keep quiet, we …(listen) to the music. 4. What … (you, see) in the corner over there? 5. It … (rain) so we must take umbrellas. 6. What a smell! I expect something … (burn). 7. He … (sleep) soundly when the dog…. (run) into the room. 8. What .. (you, see) when I … (come) in a moment ago? 9. «Oh, it’s you, John! You … (not be) in touch with me for a long time. I’m glad you … (ring) up. Where … (you, be) all these weeks? I hope you … (not, be) ill?»



Word and word-combinations

supervision n – нагляд                              delivery n – доставка
mediated – опосередкований                framework n – cтруктура
devise v розробити                              panel n особовий склад
obviously очевидно                            employee n – співробітник
plugv підключати                               
pursue v – переслідувати                       compliance – дотримання вимог
available – доступний                            resistance n – опір
unfamiliarity n – незнання                       flexible  гнучкий
installation n – установка                         distribution n  – розподіл
assessment n – оцінка

Text 14A

Online World Adds a New Dimension

It may seem like a 1990s concept, but there is nothing new about distance learning. Harold Wilson, the UK prime minister pioneered the «University of the Air» – later to become the Open University – in the 1960s to provide remote learning for degree courses. Since then, audio tape, video tape and CD-Rom have enhanced the original paper and book materials to make distance learning far more widespread. Computer networks – specially Internet and intranet technology – have recently added an online dimension to distance learning. While there are still some reservations about distance learning over the Internet – particularly about its effectiveness and the level of supervision – there is a clear trend towards increased use of the technology. «I think there are three distinct waves evident in the progress of distance learning,» says David Burrows, group manager for skills and services development at Mictosoft UK. «The first is simple publication of training information on the web, which is now well established. The second wave, now under way, involves producing bespoke training with companies like Netg, using it as a delivery mechanism. The third wave is the most exciting because this gets into using the interactivity of the Internet to provide mediated training with things like video-conferencing and virtual tutors».

British Telecom has devised a base framework for distance learning. Launched this February, Solstra is the result of two years’ research and development based on input from a panel of experts. «We assembled a team of around 35 training experts drawn from academia and corporate human resource departments to see where the network could contribute,» explains Mick Durham, manager of the Solstra distance learning development program. «This focus group provided the input we needed to create Solstra». BT’s research showed that there were three clear areas where networking technology could offer organizations the opportunity to improve training and, more importantly, create the conditions for a genuine «learning organization». Mr. Durham says training was obviously identified as one area. «But we also saw two other areas in job support – where employees can plug into short courses relevant to a specific job task – and the area of knowledge management».

The focus group recognized that the nature of the online training content should be more modular and needed to be surrounded by support material that would allow students to pursue their own path through the training material. Mr. Durham says that Solstra Administrator supplies the mechanisms to monitor employees’ progress, carry out assessments and award appropriate accreditation to those who have completed course modules successfully. «This is where companies can really save money and get some real benefits. Not only organizations can control the delivery of training content to employees, they can use Solstra to monitor personal development,» he adds. «This is becoming increasingly important where legislation requires companies to meet compliance criteria – and prove that their employees have received the proper training». Distance learning does not necessarily work for everyone so Ford has built in links on the web pages to let people register for classroom training if they wish. Mr. Pestell expects to be able to explore the administration features of Solstra even further – and use it to monitor distribution of training and other sorts of information.

Завдання до тексту 14A.
Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Is there anything new about distance learning? 2. What has recently added an online dimension to distance learning? 3. What distinct waves are there in the progress of distance learning? 4. What is the result of two year’s research and development? 5. What did British Telecom show? 6. How could students pursue their own path through the training material?

Text 14B

Promoting a World Wide Web Site

As we enter the new millennium, more and more businesses are deciding to go along with building what is called sites on the world wide web, better known as a web site. It seems as though these days to many people is that all you have to do is build a web site and you are set to go. Just building the web site will not bring anybody to the web site. To get people to visit a web site certain processes have to be taken to promote the web site. There are numerous ways out there to promote a web site.  One very common and successful way to bring visitors to a web site is to send out direct electronic mail or commonly known as email. This is a very simple process in general. It simply consists of sending out emails at random or premeditated if you have the time. Remember that with this method it is wise to not be too wordy otherwise this process can develop to be very time consuming and irritating to the sender and the receiver of the email. However, it is possible to email well over 10,000 emails in just under an hour. Another possible advantage to this method is that the recipient of the email may enjoy the site and forward the same email to people that they know. Emails also cost nothing if there is already access to the World Wide Web through an ISP (Internet Service Provider).

A very similar way but much less direct method is simply to attach a signature to the end of outgoing emails. Most email providers offer this option. It simply means that at the end of outgoing email that is sent out there will be a message of individual choice at the bottom of the email where a signature would normally be on a hand written letter, thus giving it the name signature. What the message says is entirely up to the sender of the email. It is recommended that more than one signature be provided to pertain to different types of people that are emailed. The message should include your web site name, address, and a short catchy little phrase to catch the eye. Another method of promoting a web site is to enter the site in a search engine. A few examples of search engines are Yahoo, Alta Vista, Excite, Lycos, Infoseek and Webcrawler. The whole process in itself is very easy but it takes time and patience. An application is provided for individuals by the search engine. The application requests name, web site name, web site address, a description of the web site, what kind of site it is, a list of key words, and what category would be desired for placement of the web site. Always double check to see what the search engine did with what they were given. Check to see where the site was placed and to see if the site was placed at all. «Perhaps as many as 50 percent of all submissions are rejected». If for some reason or another the site wasn’t posted simply keep reapplying. Be persistent and keep registering but each time use different key words. Eventually the site will be posted.

An approach to promoting your site that does work quite well on a regular basis is to advertise by using banners and ads that link to the web site that is being promoted. The downside to this method is that it does get expensive. It is simple though. Simply come up with a banner design that is catchy and convince other web sites to carry the banner. Usually they will not do it for free so it is best to offer them a sum of money to carry the banner for a certain amount of time. Then negotiate down to what meets both web site’s needs. Many sites will offer a chance to place an ad on their web site if in return the person desiring the ad placement will apply the web sites ad on their web site. This works well if it has the opportunity to have this setup with multiple web sites. There is another way and that is to apply to what is known as a link page. This is a web site that consists of only links to other web pages. Usually all the web pages have something in common with each other. Convincing the link page to accept the offer to contain the web site link to the site that is currently being promoted is easy although sometimes there is a small fee.

The internet provides many news services that contain what is known as a message board. This is where there are always discussions on certain topics. This is a good place to sneak in an ad from time to time as long as it is respectfully done and doesn’t disrupt the conversation. The best way to do this is by disguising the ad as a perfectly acceptable response to a conversation. «Go to where the people you want hang out». Do not get carried away because the promoter of the site can end up with a bad reputation that gives the site a bad reputation for what is called «spamming». Knowing how to post good messages is a way to promote the we site in itself. Show ads that interest people and do not use short flashy ads. Short flashy ads irritate people. It is bast to use long indirect informal ads that make it seem like a sensible conversation and not an ad. It is best to only post messages from time to time.

There are many software programs out there that will do most of this stuff extremely fast and efficient. The price of the software varies. The software will do in minutes what the average person could do in hours saving valuable time and effort. And all the information is saved making it even faster to redo the process again and again.

The web site promoters can also offer what is known as an affiliate program. This allows viewers of the web site a chance to carry a banner from the web site on their web site. In return offer a small commission for each person that visits the web site through the link applied on their web site.

As the days go bye more and more people will have their own web site. Along with more people having a web site comes more ways to promote a web site in due time. It is always a good idea to keep up with the modern ways of promotion.


Прочитайте діалог і вивчіть його напамять.

Making a webpage
Peter: Hi, Liz. Are you working on your webpage now?
Liz: No, Im still waiting for you to send me that image file for the homepage?
Peter: You mean you didn’t get it? I sent it to you over an hour ago.
Liz: Let me check. Its going to take a second ‘cause I have to start up my computer.
Peter: OK. Did you get it?
Liz: One second. I just have to open my web browser and check my hotmail account.
Peter: OK.
Liz: OK, here it is. I got it.
Peter: How do I find the webpage? I tried to search for it on Yahoo but I couldn’t find it.
Liz: Don’t use Yahoo, use Google.
Peter: I tried that also and it didn’t work.
Liz: If you go to Google and search for my name, you should be able to find it.
Peter: OK. Let me try that. I see it now.



Grammar                                   Stop and check

Виконайте тести, які допоможуть вам підготувати до модульної контрольної роботи.

1. Bill is two years ___ than Wanda.
A smaller B younger
2. He looks ___ than his father.
A more happy B happier
3. Osaka is ___ from Tokyo than Nagoya.
A further B farther
4. I make ___ money than my brother.
A fewer B less
5. ___ he studies, ___ he seems to know.
A The more/ the less B The most / the least
6. Patrick has ____ girlfriends than I do.
A fewer B less
7. It’s one of ______ castles in Britain.
A old B the eldest C elder D the oldest

1. She speaks in a (голосніше ) voice than the last time.
a) the loudest; b) more loud; c) louder; d) loud.
2. They leave (найшвидший) way they can.
a) quick; b) quicker; c) more quick; d) the quickest.
3. A whale is (довше) than a dolphin.
a) longer; b) more long; c) long; d) the longest.
4. The three musicians play on (нова ) stage.
a) new; b) newer; c) the newest; d) more new.
5. Is it (дешевше) to go there by car or by train ?
a) more cheaper; b) the cheapest; c) cheaper; d) cheap.
6. This is (найбільша ) problem she has ever had.
a) great; b) more great; c) the greatest; d) greater.
7. Do you know that the Dead Sea is a (соляне) sea ?
a) salty; b) saltier; c) the saltiest; d) more salty .

1. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get
enough water, they ______ die.
A can B might C have to D must
2. Yesterday I _______ a film, today I can't.
A can to watch B could watch C could to watch
3. He ______ be a fool to do such a thing.
A can B must C has to
4. They ______ buy tickets to the Rolling Stones concert last week.
A were able to B could C can D be able to
5. The raft is so small we ______ lie down comfortably.
A might not B could not C cannot D should not
6. He ______ come next month.
A is able to B will be able to C may to D could
7. The bus came on time so we ______ wait long at the bus stop.
A had to B must C can D might

1. I ….. tell stories, never could.
a) can; b) can’t; c) may; d) have to.
2. He ….. swim since childhood.
a) can; b) could; c) should; d) has been able to.
3. ….. I take Pete` s bag ?
a) can; b) shall; c) may; d) must.
4. I ….. do a lot of work yesterday.
a) had to; b) have to; c) must; d) was able to.
5. You ….. make notes in the books.
a) don’t have to; b) aren’t to; c) mustn’t ; d) needn’t.
6. His sister ….. cook very well.
a) is able to; b) may; c) has to; d) can.
7. ….. it be done before tomorrow ?
a) can; b) may; c) must; d) should.

1. English ….. in different parts of the world.
a) has been spoken; b) is spoken; c) is being spoken; d) will be spoken.
2. The letter ….. just …..
a) has***been sent; b) is***sent; c) was***sent; d) is***being sent.
3. I ….. often ….. to their parties.
a) invite; b) have***been invited; c) am***invited; d) was***been invited.
4. By three o’clock everything …..
a) was prepared; b) has been prepared; c) had been prepared; d) is prepared.
5. I ….. to his friends at the party.
a) shall be introduced; b) will have been introduced; c) am introduced; d) have introduced.
6. Tennis ….. from four till five.
a) is being played; b) was played; c) was being played; d) had been played.
7. The article ….. yet.
a) hasn’t been translated; b) haven’t been translated; c) hadn’t been translated   d) isn’t translated.

1. She ______ there many years.
A has been teaching B has taught

2. He knows Africa well because he ______ a lot there.
A has been traveling  B has traveled
3. The students ______ the matter all day long.
A have been discussing  B have discussed
4. You ______ this composition for two hours and can’t complete it.
A have been writing  B have written
5. Alice promised to come, but she’s absent. Something ______ to her.
A has been happening  B has happened
6. The children are drawing. They ______ since they came home.
A have been drawing  B have drawn
7. My aunt ______ the big house in the country.
A has always been having  B has always had


1. I knew that Mercury ______ the closest planet to the sun, but I didn't feel like
answering the question.

A was
B is
C had been

2. Mike hoped that his friend ______ him with his car.

A  would help
B  will help
C  helped

3. We didn't know the score, but we were sure their team ______ the game.

A  has lost
B  had lost
C  lost

4. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt ______ for five days.

A was ill
B has been ill
C had been ill

5. The children were afraid of making any noise. Mom ______ .

A was sleeping
B slept
C had been sleeping

6. He gave all his money to me because he ______ me.

A would trust
B trusted
C had trusted

7. We were told that Andrew ______ to enter that college.

A is going
B went
C  was going

1. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get
enough water, they______ die.
A can B might C have to D must
2. Yesterday I __________ a film, today I can't.
A can to watch B could watch C could to watch I make ___ money than my brother.
A fewer B less C the least
4. This news ___ interesting.
A was B were C be
5. Do you get ____ letters every week?
A much B little C many D a little
6. He ___ be a fool to do such a thing.
A can B must C has to
7. I am not as ___ at swimming as you are.
A good B well

1. When I opened the door the phone ...... .
A is ringing B was ringing D had rung
2. He ........ to go home for Christmas this year.
A wants B want C is wanting
3. A small stone struck the windshield while we ...... down the gravel road.
A drive B were driving C had driven D had been driving
4. I ..... a shower when the telephone rang.
A had B was having C have had D have
5. He …… going to start a new business.
A Are B is C were
6. You can borrow my umbrella. I … it at the moment.
A don’t need B am not needing C didn’t need D haven’t needed
7. Look! Somebody … the street.
A is crossing B crosses C cross D have crossed


1. «We sold our house a few years ago», my friend and his wife said. My friend and his wife said that they

  1. had sold our house a few years ago
  2. sold their house a few years ago
  3. had sold their house a few years before

2. «I am going to Greece for vacation tomorrow», said her sister. Her sister said that she

  1. is going to Greece for vacation tomorrow
  2. was going to Greece for vacation the next day
  3.  was going to Greece for vacation tomorrow

3. «I will see you on Monday», said he. He said that he  

  1. would see me on Monday
  2. will see you on Monday
  3. would see you on Monday  

4. «You are not reading now», said his friend. His friend said that he

  1. are not reading now
  2. were not reading at that time
  3. was not reading at this time

5. «He was happy to meet her», said his mother. Mother said that her son

  1. was happy to meet her
  2. had been happy to meet her
  3. Is happy to meet her

6. «I have been doing the exams since May», said the student. The student said that he

  1. had been doing the exams since Monday
  2. have been doing the exams since Monday
  3. has been doing the exams since Monday