Unit 3 (G) Grammar: Infinitive
Constructions: Subjective
Infinitive Construction Objective
Infinitive Construction Word building (R) (SR) Supplementary (L) Listening Steps in producing a program (S) Speaking: Famous people of (G) Grammar (block I): Translation of Subjective Infinitive
Construction (Complex Subject)
Exercise 1G. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to Subjective
Infinitive Constructions: 1. Machine code is
known to be the only language computers can understand directly. 2. This lecture was said
to be very interesting. 3. The cybercafé is
believed to be opened till the midnight. 4. He proved to be a
good programmer. 5. These two
scientists happened to meet at the conference. 6. She seems to know
some programming languages. 7. Basic is known to
be a low-level language. 8. These languages
are considered to be quite complex and restricted to particular machines. 9. The delegation is
reported to have come on Monday. 10. This experiment
was said to have been discussed at the seminar. 11. She seems to be
waiting for you. 12. His English
appears to be improving gradually. 13. This method was
thought to be forgotten. 14. He was seen to
work at the lab last Sunday. Exercise 2G. Translate into English: 1.
Виявилося, що він – хороший
спеціаліст. 2.
Відомо, що вона знає декілька мов програмування. 3.
Вінера вважають батьком кібернетики. 4.
Колись вважалося, що комп’ютери займають цілу кімнату. 5.
Здається він вже купив новий комп’ютер. 6.
Виявилося, що це питання має велике значення. 7.
Повідомили, що делегація прибуде через тиждень. 8.
Думають, що він пише програми. 9.
Здається, цих двоє вчених працюють над однією й тією ж
проблемою. 10.
Кажуть, що математика – одна з найдавніших наук. 11.
Виявляється, вони навчались в одній школі. 12.
Кого вважають найбагатшою людиною в світі? 13.
Здається, на Вас чекають. 14.
Не може бути, щоб він самостійно написав таку складну
програму! 15.
Схоже на те, що ми закінчимо переклад до кінця заняття. 16.
Сподівалися, що цей експеримент буде вдалим. Verbs used as Predicates
Variants of
Substituting Subjective Infinitive Constructions
Exercise 3G. Substitute the following sentences with the parallel sentences and
translate them into Ukrainian: 1. The book is said
to be popular. 2. The article is
likely to appear in the next issue. 3. They all appear to
agree as to the importance of the problem. 4. Her advice proved
to be helpful. 5. He is unlikely to
change his opinion. 6. Taras Shevchenko
is considered to be the greatest poet in the world poetry. 7. The government
was expected to loose the election. 8. He seems to be
looking for something. 9. The language of
the novel turned out to be quite easy. 10. The discussion
seemed to be coming to an end. 11. The weather is
likely to change. 12. She happened to
be there. Translation of Objective Infinitive
Construction (Complex Object)
Verbs used as Predicates
Exercise 4G. Translate into Ukrainian: 1.
He wanted us to finish this experiment. 2.
I expect you to revise all the rules. 3.
I suppose him to be working now. 4.
The engineer expected the work to be done in time. 5.
We know him to have graduated from our University 3
years ago. 6.
We know the cybernetics to be an important branch of
modern technology. 7.
They thought him to have taken part in their
experiments. 8.
Did you want the program to be updated? 9.
She felt somebody look at her. 10. We heard him
speak French fluently. 11. Nobody noticed
her leave the lecture. 12. You can’t make me
believe all this is true. 13. We saw him come
into the computing centre. 14. I watched my friend
choose a laptop. Exercise 5G. Translate into English: 1.
Він хотів, щоб прилад перевірили ще раз. 2.
Ми не знали, що він пише програми. 3.
Професор змусив студентів продовжувати цей дослід. 4.
Вам подобається спостерігати, як
хтось працює в Photoshop? 5.
Ніхто не помітив, як він пішов. 6.
Ви коли-небудь чули, як вона розповідає про видатних
людей України? 7.
Хто з вас чув, як задзвенів дзвінок? 8.
Ти бачив, як він інсталював операційну систему? 9.
Ми сподіваємося, що програма буде написана вчасно. 10. Ви хочете, щоб я розповів
про мови програмування? 11. Ніхто не змусить мене
повірити в це. 12. Кожен знає, що він
вивчає ще одну іноземну мову. (G) Grammar (block II): Infinitive
Exercise 6G. Make sentences as in the example. Example: not easy/write
instructions in Pascal - It is not easy to write instructions in
Pascal. 1 advisable/test
the program under different conditions 2 expensive/set up
a data-processing area 3 unusual for a
program/work correctly the first time it is tested 4
difficult for students/learn FORTRAN 5 important/consider
the capabilities of the programming language 6 quite easy/write
instructions in BASIC
Exercise 7G. Read the information in the box above and
then look again at the reading passage in Ex. 1R. Underline the infinitive
constructions after modal verbs: Example: Unfortunately,
computers cannot understand ordinary spoken English ... Exercise 8G. Look at these pairs of examples and decide
where there is an 'important' change in meaning: 1 a I remember shutting down the computer before I left
the room. b Please remember to buy the new program. 2 a They stopped to look at the flowchart. b They stopped looking at the flowchart. 3 a I like studying C language. b I like to study
C language in the evenings. 4
a It has started
to rain. b It has started raining. 5
a He needs to work
harder. b This hard disk needs repairing. (R) Exercise 1R. Read the text and find answers to these
questions: 1.
Do computers understand human languages? 2.
What are the differences between low-level and
high-level languages? 3.
What is an
assembler? 4.
What is the function of compilers? 5.
What do you understand by the terms source
program and object program? 6.
In the future, could computers be programmed in
Spanish, French or Japanese? Programming languages Unfortunately,
computers cannot understand ordinary spoken English or any other natural
language. The only language they can understand directly is known to be
called machine code. This consists of the 1s and 0s (binary codes)
that are processed by the CPU. Machine
code as a means of communication is considered to be very difficult to write. For this reason, we use symbolic languages that are
easier to understand. Then, by using a special program, these languages can
be translated into machine code. For example, assembly languages are said to use
abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV
to represent instructions. These mnemonic
codes are like labels easily associated with the items to which they
refer. Basic languages, where the program is similar to the machine code
version, are known to be low-level languages. In these
languages, each instruction is equivalent to a single machine code
instruction, and the program is converted into
machine code by a special program called an assembler. These
languages are still quite complex and restricted to particular machines. To
make the programs easier to write and to overcome the problem of
intercommunication between different types of machines, higher-level languages were designed such as C++, Java,
or php. These are all problem-oriented rather than machine-oriented. Programs
written in one of these languages are known to be source programs. They are converted into a
lower-level language by means of a compiler (generating the object
program). On
compilation, each statement in a high-level language is generally
translated into many machine code instructions. People
communicate instructions to the computer in symbolic languages and the easier
this communication can be made, the wider the application of computers will
be. Scientists are already working on
Artificial Intelligence and the next generation of computers may be
able to understand human languages. Exercise 2R. Translate the following expressions:
Exercise 3R. Decide
if the following words collocate with code or language. Choose the correct answer: low-level (code/language) machine (code/language) object (code/language) high-level (code/language) programming (code/language) markup (code/language) source (code/language) assembly (code/language) Exercise 4R. Complete the
definitions from an online dictionary by typing in terms from Exercise 3R. Then
choose the correct verb forms: 1.
_________: general term for
a formal language used (to write/for to write/writing) instructions that can (to be/be/being)translated into machine language and then executed by a
computer. 2.
_________: a set of
instructions that a computer can (to
understand/understand/understanding) directly;
it is expressed in binary code and is very difficult (to
write/write/writing). 3.
_________: a type of
low-level language that uses abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, MUL and DIV (to
represent/represent/representing) instructions; then
translated into machine code using an assembler. 4.
_________: a language such
as an assembly language, which does not (to
need/need/needing) a compiler or interpreter. 5.
_________: developed (to
make/make/making) programs easier; (to
write/write/writing) for example, FORTRAN,
BASIC, C and Java. 6.
_________: the original work
of a programmer, which must (to be/be/is) translated
by a compiler. 7.
_________: instructions that
a compiler (to
generate/generates/generating) from source code
written in a higher-level language, for example C++. 8.
_________: a
language for (to create/create/creating) web documents. Exercise 5R. Complete
these steps in the writing of a program by typing in the words from the box:
Understand the _________ and
plan a solution. 2.
Make a _________, which
shows the steps of the program. 3.
Write _________ in
a programming language. 4.
the program – that is, turn it into machine code. 5.
Test for errors and _________ the
program. 6. Prepare
_________, for example the instruction manual. (SR) Supplementary Exercise 1SR. Do you know… Computers at work or in education Computer Based Training
(CBT) offers a low cost solution to training needs where you need to train a
large amount of people on a single subject. These programs are normally
supplied on CD-ROM and combine text, graphics and sound. Packages range from
general encyclopedias right through to learning a foreign language. Many car factories are
almost completely automated and the cars are assembled by computer-controlled
robots. This automation is becoming increasingly common throughout industry. Many products are designed
using CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs to produce exact specifications
and detailed drawings on the computer before producing models of new
products. Types of systems used in business Computers are ideally suited
to a wide range of business activities. In many cases, the use of computers has
results in companies shedding staff and becoming more efficient. The flip
slide is that many businesses such as banks while more efficient are also
becoming more impersonal. Stock
control is ideal for automation and in many companies, it is now completely
computerized. The stock control system keeps track of the number of items in
stock and can automatically order replacement items when required. In most large organizations,
the accounts are maintained by a
computerized system. Due to the repetitive nature of accounts, a computer
system is ideally suited to this task and accuracy is guaranteed. In many companies, the
traditional fax machine has been
completely replaced by the ability to send and receive faxes directly from a
desktop computer. This is far more efficient as you do not have to waste time
walking to and from the fax machine. In addition, the quality of the faxes
sent and received is much higher. In a similar manner, the traditional
answering machine has largely been replaced by voice mail. Using this system, the message can be stored on your
own computer and played back when you return to your office. The phrase Email refers to Electronic Mail,
which operates in the same way as the traditional mail system but has the
advantage that mail is sent and received instantaneously (on a world wide
basis). Most Email packages are very easy to learn and used properly can
greatly enhance productivity. A word processing program (such as Microsoft Word) allows you to
easily produce letter, memos, etc. You can easily mail merge a list of names
and addresses to produce mass mailers, individually addressed to customers or
subscribers. A spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) allows you to work
out a company’s income, expenditure and then calculate the balance. It allows
you to make 'what if' type projections of how the company will fair in the
future and to forecast how changes in prices will affect profits. A database program (such as Microsoft Access) allows you to compile
information and then to search this information to extract just the
information you require. For instance, if you have a database of all the
equipment housed within an office you can very simply produce a report
listing only the equipment above a certain value. A presentation program (such as Microsoft PowerPoint) allows you to
produce professional looking presentations, which can be printed out directly
onto slides for use with an overhead projector. Alternatively, you can
display your presentations directly on a computer screen. A graphics program (such as Corel Graphics) is used to produce
adverts, posters and promotional material by organizations. Translation
programs allow you to electronically convert text from one language to
another. While these programs are far from perfect, their use is becoming
increasing common and they are getting better as each new version comes out. Where computers might be more appropriate than
people: In the past, many repetitive
jobs were performed by low skilled, poorly paid workers. Now is it more
common to use computers instead. The phone system is now
largely automatic, while in former times all calls were made through an
operator. Many other examples exist. How many can you think of? A computer is ideally suited
to performing mathematical calculations. Before computers were widely
available accountants used to work on manual, paper-based spreadsheets.
Within a spreadsheet, a common task would be adding up a column of figures,
and then taking the total, which is added to other columns of figures. If you
change one number within a column that is being summed there can be a
knock-on effect on many other calculations within the spreadsheet.
Re-calculating a spreadsheet could take hours (or days). On a computer, this
re-calculation can take seconds! Monitoring polluted or
radioactive environments is suited to computer-based robots, where the use of
a human would expose that person to unacceptable risks. Serious space exploration is
almost exclusively carried out by unmanned, computer-controlled machines. A
recent exploration of Mars involved a computerized ‘car’, which had to make
decisions on it's own. It could not be fully remotely controlled from earth,
as the time taken for the signal to reach Mars is just too long. Where people might be more
appropriate than computers: When you are unwell and
visit your doctor, it is often a person that you want to talk to, as there
might well be other factors affecting your health (maybe personal problems)
that you would not feel happy typing into a computer, but would feel
comfortable describing to your local doctor, who you may well have known for
years! In most of the caring professions, the same is true, whether it be
doctors, nurses or social workers. The human touch is important. Despite the uptake of
e-commerce, selling on the Net, banking on the Net and so on, there are many
people (myself included) who still like to have the option of a real person
that you can talk to, be it the local bank manager or a real person on the
end of a telephone sales line! Does anyone really like ringing a large
organization and being greeted with a range of buttons to press, in order to
communicate with a computerized telephone system. Even ordering cinema
tickets can now involve a lengthy phone call, listening to a synthetic voice
describing many films you do not want to see, and pressing many buttons! For many years, science
fiction has portrayed images of a thinking, sentient android (Lieutenant Data
from Star Trek for instance). In reality this is a long way from present
capabilities and when it comes to anything requiring creative thought, a
human wins every time. Computers in their present form would gain little from
studying philosophy for instance. They can memorize the facts, but cannot
make the creative leaps that humans can. On a more mundane level, when it
comes to even a simple task such as cleaning your home, a human can deal with
mess, clutter and items (such as chairs) that have changed their position
recently. Even this simple task is beyond a small computer. Computers are very bad at
recognizing and interpreting shapes. They can take photographs and record images
on video, but they have no understanding of the meaning of shapes, and will
be easily confused where presented with two overlapping shapes. The human
process of pattern recognition, as recent research had demonstrated, is
vastly more complicated than we used to think. For this reason it is humans,
not computers that will examine tissue smears for signs of abnormality within
hospitals. In time things may change,
it was not very long ago that a computer was incapable of beating a chess
grand master! Exercise 2SR. In pairs, try to think of an answer for the
question: What is programming? Look at the definition in the Glossary. Is
it similar to yours? Exercise 3SR. Complete the following definitions with the
words and phrases in the box:
algorithm The step-by-step
specification of how to reach the solution to ................ . 2)
flowchart A diagram
representing the logical sequence between ....................... . 3)
coding The translation of
the logical steps into a programming ..................... . 4)
machine code The basic
instructions understood by computers. The processor operates on codes which
consist of ............................................................. . 5)
debugging The techniques of detecting,
diagnosing and correcting errors (or 'bugs') which . (G) Grammar (block III): Word-building Exercise 9G. Look at the groups of words and decide what
part of speech each word is. Then complete the sentences with the correct
1. Programs written in
a high-level language require ,
or translation into machine code. 2. A ______ generates
several low-level instructions for each source language statement. 3. Programmers
usually ________ their programs to create an object program and diagnose possible
1. Most computer
__________ make a plan of the program before they write it. This plan is
called a flowchart. 2. A computer
_________ is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. 3. Converting an
algorithm into a sequence of instructions in a programming language is called
_____________. 4.
1. New programs need
__________ to make them work properly. 2.
Any error
or malfunction of a computer program is known as a . 3. The best
compilers usually include an integrated which
detects syntax errors. Exercise 10G. In
the word debug the prefix de- is
used. This prefix means 'to reverse an action'. Here are a few more examples:
(L) Listening Exercise 1L. а) Listen to Lucy Boyd, a software developer, explaining how a program is
produced. Number these steps in the order you hear them. □ Provide
documentation of the program. □ Understand the
problem and plan the solution. □ Test and correct
the program. □ Make a flowchart
of the program. □ Write the
instructions in coded form and compile the program. б) Listen
again and take notes. Use your notes to explain what each step means. (S) Speaking Exercise 1S. Read and translate the following text and
get ready to speak on 5 more oustanding names in Ukrainian history, culture
and science. Famous people of In the history of humanity there have always
been people whose actions and ideas produced a great impact on the lives of
other people. That’s why they are called outstanding. Ukrainian literature contains a lot of glorious names. The names of
Taras Shevchenko, Lessya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko, Marko Vovchok and Grygoriy
Skovoroda won universal recognition. There’s hardly a country in the world
which doesn’t have Taras Shevchenko’s poems translated into its language.
Gentle melodies and deep emotions of Lessya Ukrainka’s verses are also dear
to poetry-lovers throughout the world. But the names of modern Ukrainian
writers are not so well-known as they should be. Such names as Lina Kostenko,
Oles Gonchar, Vasyl Symonenko, Vasyl Stus and others were forgotten. Vasyl Stus in one of the outstanding Ukrainian poets of the twentieth
century one of the courageous “sixties”. Vasyl Stus prison poetry explores
the themes of life and death, fate and destiny, individual choice and
responsibility. Ukrainians are known as a musical people with a lot of folk songs and
talented performers. The Ukrainian nation composer school is connected with
the name of Mykola Lysenko. M. Lysenko’s operas “Taras Bulba”, “Natalka
Poltavka”, “Eneida” are still staged at the world’s opera-houses. The Ukrainian fine art is represented by the names
of Kostandi, Murashko, Borovikovskyi, Pymonenko. A lot of
brilliant sportsmen honored their motherland, among them –Volodymyr and
Vitaliy Klychko, Andriy Shevchenko, Yana Klochkova, Vyacheslav Uzelkov. Volodymyr Vernandsky became the first Ukrainian Academician in Evhen Paton was an outstanding constructor and a scientist. In
1896-1929 he constructed 35 bridges, among them the main bridge across the
Dnipro in Kyiv. In 1929 Paton organized the laboratory of electric welding,
which became an institute in 1934. Great contribution to the world’s historical
science was made by such prominent Ukrainian historians as Mykola Hrushevskyi,
Mykhailo Dragomanov, Dmytro Yavornitskyi, Mykola Kostomarov. The Ukrainian science and culture have always developed the best human
traditions of the mankind. |